
2011-02-18 3:58 am
We have all heard of toys being recalled after they have been put on the market

The remainder of its work involves checks on onther consumer products such as textiles and garments
check是什麼詞性? 是名詞還是動詞 請解釋一下.

回答 (2)

2011-02-18 5:09 am
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We have all heard of toys being recalled after they have been put on the market
being的用法和意思是? being recalled是分詞的被動式, 修飾toys, 如不刻意強調動作進行中之語意, 而只保留recalled之被動語意, 則being可省略.

翻譯 我們都聽說過玩具產品在已佈售於市場之後卻正被召回之事.

The remainder of its work involves checks on other consumer products such as textiles and garments
check是什麼詞性? 是名詞還是動詞 請解釋一下. checks指的是各種格子款式, 是名詞, 作為involves的受詞. its所指何者之所有格, 應看前文.

翻譯 其工藝之其餘部份涉及各種格子款式應用於他種消費產品, 例如紡織品與服裝.

2011-02-17 23:34:46 補充:
the remainder of its work也可譯為某種生產或加工後的剩料(下腳料),
checks可能是check designs/patterns, 也可能是gingham check fabrics, yarn-dyed check cloth, printed check cloth等.
參考: Cavalier靈活翻譯
2011-02-18 7:09 am
We have all heard of toys being recalled after they have been put on the market
being的用法和意思是? being recalled是分詞片語, 使用being表示仍持續發生,而用recalled 則僅表示一個事實 在玩具產品已於市場出售之後,我們聽說已持續被召回

The remainder of its work involves checks on other consumer products such as textiles and garments
check是什麼詞性? 是名詞還是動詞 請解釋一下. checks是名詞即格子布 , 其句型為 S (remainder) + V(involve) + O(check )

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