
2011-01-29 7:28 am


1.Why see a psychic?Making the most of free will, a person can change his future.

It is important to see a psychic and try their best if people wishto change their future.

The reason for seeing a psychic is to help people use their free willto change their future.

People can gain mental strengths from a psychic to help them makechanges for their future.

To have a different future, people should depend on themselvesinstead of listening to a psychic.

2.Those who, whiledisapproving of the character and measures of a government, yield to it theirallegiance and support, are undoubtedly the most serious obstacles to reform.

Those allegiant to a government and supporting its measures despitetheir disapproving opinions make reform possible.

Those serious about their disapproving opinions to a government’scharacter and measures make reform inevitable.

Those silent about their disapproving opinions and remainingallegiant to a government make reform difficult.

Those objecting to a government in spite of their allegiance andsupport pose the greatest difficulties to reform.

回答 (3)

2011-02-11 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Why see a psychic? Making the most of free will, a person can change his
future.何必找靈媒呢? 一個人只要把自由意志發揮到極限, 就能改變其未來. 符合的選項:To have a different future, people should depend on themselves instead of
listening to a psychic.要想有不同的未來, 人們應該靠自己的力量, 而不是去聽信靈媒.
2.Those who, while disapproving of the character and measures of a
government, yield to it their allegiance and support, are undoubtedly the
most serious obstacles to reform.
那些一邊不認同政府的本質與施政, 一邊卻向它表示效忠與擁護的人們, 無疑是改革最嚴重的障礙. 符合的選項:Those silent about their disapproving opinions and remaining allegiant to
a government make reform difficult.

2011-02-10 21:54:06 補充:
yield to it their allegiance and support
it就是(the) government.
yield在這裡是授予動詞, it是間接受詞, allegiance and support是直接受詞
yield是獻出之意, 與介系詞to連用.
參考: Cavalier靈活翻譯
2011-02-11 5:05 am
第2題的 yield to在這裡也是當屈服的意思嗎?若不是,那 yield to it的作用何解呢?
2011-01-29 8:40 am
正確選項: To have a different future, people should depend on themselvesinstead of listening to a psychic.
正確選項:Those objecting to a government in spite of their allegiance andsupport pose the greatest difficulties to reform.

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