英文文法 verb +adjective

2011-01-17 3:11 pm
我睇書話verb可跟be,become, smell, taste...的verb

e.g: this broadcast comes to you (live) from buenos aires.

因為我見書中冇話come可跟adj, so想問:

1. 當中的live係咪adjective?
2. 如果係,點解live可以跟comes呢個verb? come係咪同上面的 smell, tates係同一類?
3,如果我del左 to you變成this broadcast comes live from buenos aires係咪錯?因為come不可跟adj?


回答 (4)

2011-01-17 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This broadcast comes to you (live) from Buenos Aires.

(1) live 係 adverb.
(2) Come 不同 taste, sound
(3) This broadcast comes live from Buenos Aires是對.

Live可做 verb, adjective or adverb.

"Live" is used as an adverb:
The ceremony will be broadcast live on television.
Their latest CD was recorded live (= recorded at a live performance) in New York.

"Live" is used as an adjective.
There will be live TV coverage of tonight’s big match.

"Live" is used as a verb. (differeent meaning)
They live in England.

Sense/Perception verbs: (state verbs)
appear, look, seem, sound, taste

state verb + adjective

The suggestion sounds good.
The food tastes delicious.

2011-01-17 11:22:13 補充:
Their latest CD was recorded live in New York. ("live" is an adverb)

It was recorded at a live performance. ("live" is an adjective)

2011-01-17 11:27:37 補充:
Sorry, Typo error:
different (not differeent)

Longman English Dictionary (not "Lonman" )
參考: Lonman English Dictionary
2011-01-18 12:21 am
this broadcast comes to you (live) from Buenos Aires.= adverb

The above sentence has the similar meaning as the sentence below.

This is a (live) broadcast from Buenos Aires sent to you= adjective

this broadcast comes live from buenos aires = this is a live broadcast from Buenos Aires.= is a place so it must be in capital letter.
2011-01-17 10:09 pm
Kane, the answerer "Godfrey" has explained well.
2011-01-17 8:44 pm



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