
2011-01-15 1:11 am
I think there's some kind of monkey business going on in that house across the street. People going in and out all day long; maybe they're selling drugs or something

當中的[...people goind in and out...] 係咪省略o左個are,仰或係另外句型結構.

回答 (5)

2011-01-15 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Original passageI think there's some kind of monkey business going on in that house across the street. People going in and out all day long; maybe they're selling drugs or something

Altered passageThere are some kinds of monkey businesses going on in that house across the street. People go in and out all day long. They may be selling drugs or something.

Either you add “are” before “going” or just use simple present tense. Any word with “ing” MUST follow a real verb. For instance: 1. Jacky should be sleeping at midnight.2. Terry are practicing for his match.

2011-01-16 20:44:21 補充:
People going in and out ..即係主語直接跟+ing form,係咩文法結構

Sentence without any main verb, but there is an ing form of verb, it is grammatically wrong. Gerund means that a main verb + verb with "ing".

2011-01-16 20:44:29 補充:
A sentence can contain only a main verb however it cannot only contain a "ing" form of verb without any main verb.

However, there are some verbs still need to use "to infinitive" if there is main verb.
2011-01-19 2:23 am
希望幫到你學習英語:Go Eglishtown網站
2011-01-16 6:35 am


2011-01-15 6:20 am
發問者:(1) I think there are some kinds of monkey businesses(胡鬧) going
on in that house across the street. In this sentence, "going on in that house across the street" is an adjective phrase formed with a present participle.

2011-01-14 22:41:02 補充:
(2) People going in and out all the day(It is an adjective phrase, which is used as a modifier) ; maybe they are selling drugs or something. As this sentence is splited into two parts by the punctuation mark "semi-colon", it is incomplete.

2011-01-14 23:06:55 補充:
Suggested answers :
(A) Those people are going in and out all the day; maybe/perhaps(adv) they are selling drugs or something. Its punctuation mark "semi-colon" is commenly used to link between two sentences. (B) Maybe those people going in and out all day are selling drugs or something.

2011-01-16 07:40:10 補充:
People going in and out all day ("going in and out all day long" is used to modify( 用作修飾) the subject(主語) "people"). It is revised as " People are going in and out all the day" to form a complete sentence.

2011-01-16 07:59:23 補充:
It can be written as "People who are going in and out all the day" or " People going in and out all the day", but it is an incomplete sentence because there is no main verb.
2011-01-15 2:26 am
英文文法問題I think there's some kind of monkey business going on in the house across the street.

People are going in and out all day long. = we need ARE here as it is the main verb in this sentence
Maybe ( in writing - better change it to PERHAPS) they're (they are... - better in writing) selling drugs or something

I see people going in and out all day long - in this sentence ARE is not required as going is a gerund - function to tell us more about the people.

Hope it is clear with you.

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