
2011-01-04 1:44 am
1. i want a secondary school that has a swimming pool.
句子中可不可以用where代替that? 為什麼?

回答 (4)

2011-01-04 8:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I want a secondary school that has a swimming pool. (correct)
I want a secondary school which has a swimming pool. (correct)
I want a secondary school where there is a swimming pool. (correct)
I want a secondary school where has a swimming pool. (wrong)

句子中是可以用where 代替that(同樣是relative pronoun)。不過用where 時,句子中有部份會變了。因為用where has 是錯的。在defining relative clause 中,that 和which 在指非生命事物(unanimate objects) 時可以互換使用。在non-defining relative clause 中,relative pronoun 一定要用wh-words ,不可用that 。
參考: My English knowledge
2011-01-04 8:38 pm


2011-01-04 8:15 am
發問者: 001回答者的解釋正確, 而且很詳細 . 現本人試以中文釋之, 在該句中, I want a secondary school(主句) which(關係代名詞) has a swimming pool(子句). which(該校)has a swimming pool 是用作補充說明, 該校有一個游泳池. where(= in which 在該處)不可代替which.

2011-01-04 00:48:14 補充:
which/that指物, who指人, where指地點. e.g. Here is the book which I mentioned yesterday. The boy who is playing on the grass is her brother. This is the house where(in which) Lu Hsun once lived.
2011-01-04 2:19 am
1) which is used when the clause is (independant) or restrictive + singular + non-human related.
example :
a) I want a leather jacket which is black (restrictive +singular)
b) Those clothes, which the leather jacket is covering, are mine. (independant)

2) That is used when clause is dependant + (singular or plural)
a) Those leather jackets that are black belongs to me. (plural + dependant)
b) The swimming pool that I swam, had faeces floating in it.

Answering your question.
I want a school which has a swimming pool. (restrictive + singular) is more proper.
Where is used when you ask for a place, it is inappropriate to use in your sentence b'coz you already knew what you want.

2011-01-04 13:57:24 補充:
我想講的都給意見者wudaiwei 同Pak Ho 講嗮。好慚愧沒機會發表。 喀喀喀。。
但想補充的一點係 :中文所講解的“句子”係同正中英文的有點差別,因爲 :
1)A sentence = 句子
2)A clause = 句子
3) An independant/dependant clause = 句子 (*沒聼講過有“獨立試句子”)
所以有時會殘生誤導性。 我並非對華文有所懷疑, 反而我覺得華文是更有靈活性的,

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