You can't cut your way out 譯中

2010-11-19 9:18 pm

You can't cut your way out -- You have to build your way out.

看完內文, 你會怎樣將這標題譯成中文呢?

回答 (8)

2010-11-20 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can't cut your way out -- You have to build your way out. 原文大意是:美國要走出"the world's most expensive health care system, one of the most wasteful energy systems, and dysfunctional investment and education systems"的困局,欲速不達:You can't cut your way out - 走捷徑非出路
出路(way out)不可能走捷徑(short-cut) - "run away from them or pretend they don't exist"和"accept campaign cash to protect them",You have to build your way out. 解決問題須踏實必須要踏實地建立(build)解決的方法(way out) - "solve them","building your way out through investment and education"和"our political leaders ending corporate communism and releasing our country's entrepreneurs to challenge the world's most expensive health care system, one of the most wasteful energy systems, and dysfunctional investment and education systems"提議標題譯成中文:
欲速不達 - 走捷徑非出路,解決問題須踏實

2010-11-28 13:02:57 補充:
In 'cut your way out', its meaning as a verb agrees with the meaning of "to go through or across a place, especially in order to get somewhere quickly" as in Cambridge Dictionary Online.

2010-11-28 13:03:41 補充:
If 'cut' means"to make something shorter, lower, smaller, etc." here, the clause would be "cut cost/expenditure" instead.
This is the basis of my thinking and hence the suggested Chinese heading.
2010-11-27 4:14 am
出於學術交流, 本人很欣賞Joe 和001 的譯本, 既貼切又精簡. 可否將其兩人的譯本稍為改一下, 即是: 緊縮非出路, 開源方正道. 此為愚見, 還望諸君賜教.

2010-11-28 18:51:58 補充:
eicachan: 您的思路和譯文也不錯, 只是有點直譯;相比之下,令人覺得不很貼切和精簡.

2010-11-28 18:57:47 補充:
eicachan : 以上愚見,如有冒犯之處, 請見諒.
2010-11-27 3:11 am
高手也好, 不是高手也好.

只要用心去跟別人分享和討論, 嘗試找出答案, 這才是真正的意義.

誰人勝出並不重要, 人們對知識的追求亦不會因為問題的解決而完結.

2010-11-26 19:20:55 補充:
另外, 我選擇得交付投票的答案, 已經是我認為最有水準的答案.

那一個勝出, 我都沒有異議, 亦都是實至名歸的.
2010-11-26 6:19 pm
以下是一些讀者對Ratigan所講的回應, 他們是當地人,應對此話題較清楚,故我相信Cut是指expenditure cuts:

(1)I totally agree with Mr. Ratigan's comment about not being able to cut your way out but have to grow or build your way back to prosperity/profitability

2010-11-26 10:20:18 補充:
(2)The problem is that you cannot really make any headway against the deficit through spending cuts

(3)I think that yes, you can, make good headway against the deficit through spending cuts.

2010-11-26 10:49:08 補充:

Colorado Can't cut our way out of budget Crisis

The cuts outlined by the Governor's budget office in today's Joint Budget Committee meeting include: eliminating 270 state jobs

2010-11-28 20:06:36 補充:
eric網友: 不好意思。本人未加上面三項意見時,不知你是回答者。直至見你的21及22項意見時,才估到你是002回答者。你説得冇錯,cut the way out 應可指走捷徑,特別是我們講司機cut 線,就是想用short cut,走捷徑。

不過,我看清楚001回答時提及那個講航空公司解決crisis的文章,標題是you can't cut your way out of crisis,內容有 Any single business responds to tough times by cutting back and laying off

2010-11-28 20:07:02 補充:
及We need a strategy that builds, not cuts.

上面用了builds and cuts,與Ratigan的標題的cut and build 很吻合,所以仍覺得cut是指spending cut居多

2010-11-24 4:14 am

2010-11-24 17:52:55 補充:
兩日冇上嚟搗亂... 會唔會同運動會有關?

2010-12-31 16:37:11 補充:
eicachan 真是譯得多麼的好啊! 不用理會那些刻意針對你的人的! 加油!
2010-11-23 10:00 am

2010-11-26 04:40:37 補充:
謝謝認同。只是把焦點轉到 way 的定義,玩些文字遊戲罷了。但這也不是白話的翻譯。雖說意思相同,但我的建議卻略缺原文標題的白話性。

I'm only trying to provide constructive comments. Sorry if anyone find it offensive, it's really not my intent.
2010-11-20 8:53 am
"When you have problems like this, the best thing to do is solve them, not run away from them or pretend they don't exist. You do that by building your way out through investment and education. And as scary as it may be for our government to stop protecting the interests that fund them, it's even scarier not to."


My Suggestion: 埋首沙堆的鴕鳥焉能正視問題

2010-11-20 15:43:40 補充:
The courage and leadership to release innovations and investment on our country's biggest problems could not only eliminate the deficit...
以上這句也可找出一點端倪, 其中的假設語氣正是批評政府官僚沒有足夠的新視野, 投資力度也不足, 未能聚焦於最大的問題(run away from them or pretend they don't exist), 如同只懂逃避的鴕鳥。

2010-11-20 15:50:17 補充:
以上這句批評的應不只限於政府官僚, 而是主要政治領袖。

2010-11-20 15:54:47 補充:
以上版本主要着重 "出街效果",而非忠於原句結構,希望對閣下有參考價值。 

2010-11-20 20:14:33 補充:
You can't cut your way out中的cut 頗接近spending cut 的意思, 可參考以下網頁:

2010-11-20 20:30:20 補充:
You can't cut your way out -- You have to build your way out.


增資 (拓展教育與加大投資 ) 方上策

2010-11-23 05:00:11 補充:
2010-11-19 10:26 pm

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