我想你地幫我寫一份做學徒ge信(20 points)

2010-10-27 8:19 am

請你send 去我email唔該!!:
[email protected]


回答 (1)

2010-10-29 4:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Personal Particulars

Name (Chinese) : Name (English) :
Contact Tel. No. :
Email Address :

Education/Academic Attainment

Work Experience

Languages :

Skills :

Date of Availability :


Cover Letter

(Your Address)

Date : (dd/mm/yy)

Human Resources Department
(Company Name and Address)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to appy for the position of trainee in your restaurant because I am keen to build on the skills of making desserts and to pursue a career in the catering trade.
After graduation from XXX Secondary School , I had worked in a restuarant for two/three years, where I gained experience and enjoyed working in a team.

My resume is enclosed for your consideration. I would be available for interview at any time/from next week. Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to contact me at 6702 8344 if you require further information.

Yours faithfully,

(Your signature)
David Fung

2010-11-06 10:12:04 補充:
發問者: 002的回答只是廣告宣傳, 您都交付投票, 實屬胡鬧.浪費了回答者的心機和時間, 也令人反感. 請移除我的答案吧!!!

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