中轉英, 咁寫有無錯

2010-10-19 11:42 pm
有個客一向都係用auto paid找數比我地公司, 然後會用email 通知我地找咗咩數, (但唔係email比我既) 但呢2次我同事都收唔到, 我宜家 send個email比佢, 叫佢再email比我地, 同埋叫佢以後email埋比我.


係 5/10 收到你公司的款項, 但仍未收到 貴公司的Payment Advice , 煩請再 Email 給我們, 另我想叫佢以後email 埋比我

Our bank record shows that there were two transactions have been settled but we still can’t receive the payment advice. Kindly would you email to us again. And please also email to xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx in the future.

5/10 $xxxxx
12/10 $xxxxx

Thank you

Best Regards

回答 (3)

2010-10-20 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案

If your bank confirms receipt of payment from your customer, you do not need payment advice from them as bank advice will show payee's name.

I will do the translation fo the following for you as your writing is not quite right. Please compare it by yourself
係 5/10 收到你公司的款項, 但仍未收到 貴公司的Payment Advice , 煩請再 Email 給我們, 另我想叫佢以後email 埋比我

Date: xxxxx

TO: xxxxx

ATTN: xxxxx

Dear XXX,

We have received your auto payment on 5 October but no payment advice has been received as usual. Please kindly email us the payment advice for our record. I also handle your account so please kindly copy to me at my email address xxxx@xxxxxx too.

Thanks very much for your kind attention to this matter.

Best regards,

2010-10-20 12:22 pm


2010-10-20 1:36 am
發問者: 您所寫的英文有錯誤!!

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