唔該幫幫手,睇下寫得啱唔啱 ? (中轉英)

2010-10-19 8:22 pm
情形係咁既, 之前我出咗張 Collection Note (收貨單去客到收貨), 用email sent返個 Collection Note Number 比我內部的同事 keep record, 咁宜家我內部的同事叫我 出返張 Delivery Note (送貨單) 比返d貨 客, 我既內部事無寫返之前個 Collection Note Number比我, 宜家我想叫佢寫埋 比我

以下2 句寫得啱唔啱 ?

1. 我想叫佢 mark埋個 Collection Note No.比我, 我之前已 用 email sent 比佢

Please also remark the collection note number that I’ve gave you before.

2. 我想叫佢 下次 mark 埋個 Collection Note No.比我
Kindly also remark the Collection Note No. to me next time. Thank you

回答 (4)

2010-10-19 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案

以下2 句寫得啱唔啱 ?

可以改改,用quote 字比remark好些;I've gave錯,用gave過去式才對:
1. 我想叫佢 mark埋個 Collection Note No.比我, 我之前已 用 email sent 比佢

Please also remark the collection note number that I’ve gave you before.--->
Please also quote me the Collection Note number that I gave you in my email.

2. 我想叫佢 下次 mark 埋個 Collection Note No.比我
Kindly also remark the Collection Note No. to me next time. Thank you--->
Kindly quote me the Collection Note number next time. Thank you.

2010-10-19 13:47:43 補充:
完成式是I've given,不是I've gave。
2010-10-20 12:30 pm


2010-10-20 1:32 am
No.002's answer is the acceptable one.
2010-10-19 9:13 pm
於真正的英國文化黎講, 的確係有少許文法上的問題。但在於香港社會及溝通上, 你這樣的句子已ok啦, 冇問題。

2010-10-19 13:24:09 補充:
你唔使寫兩次also remark....


Dear XXX,

Sorry, Can you please let me know the collection note number that I've gave you before?

And please remark the Collection Note No. to me on next time.

Thank you so much !

參考: 自己

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