check grammer (20points)

2010-10-15 9:43 pm
今日要出mail,又好似點讀都唔順,又好多 "I"咁. 請幫忙check下grammer係唔係錯.

Totally agree with you. In fact, nobody wants to take responsibility if the projects failure.
But, problem solving is one of our job duty. Unfortunately, the most of words that I heard in office is “none of by business”.
I think the reason is not clear of our job nature. And I hope that we can be make more clearly for job duty & nature on every
department. (it’s not necessary if everyone being self-discipline.)

I only a staff in Logistic team and work in manager’s command. I just want to know my reporting person in the future.
Who will helping me to make a decision if I got a problem with new warehouse? It was so discouraged for me in this few
months and no one take responsibility.

Moving warehouse is a big project, not only a person can be done. I will support for all of you & let’s see “Team Work”
in our office again.

回答 (6)

2010-10-15 10:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I hope I have got you right --

I agree with you totally. Indeed, no one wants to be blamed if a project fails. We are here to solve problems, unfortunately, the phrase I heard most in this office is "none of my business". In my opinion, if we cannot define clearly who does what, and up to what extent, there is no way that we can work efficiently. Therefore, we should have job description for each position and each department. Without such, our work flow will be full of confusion. I am a staff in Logistic Team under the command of Manager, but, I do not even know my reporting line in this warehouse project. Who should I turn to if I have problems. It has been a frustration to me in the past few months. Would I be fortunate enough to have this information in a not distant future?
Moving warehouse is not a project that can be done by one person. I hope all of you can participate and assist. Of course, I will give you all my support. Let's see “Team Work” again in our office.
2010-10-16 2:19 am

2010-10-16 1:31 am

I totally agree with you. In fact, nobody wants to be responsibe if the projects failure. [take on responsiblity是當你說正面接受任務(例如升你職=多勞)時說的,不是談推卸責任時用的phrase]
But, problem solving is one of our duties . [文法上one of XXXs必須是眾數,邏輯直接因為在眾多中的其中一樣嘛,所以當你這樣寫/講時必須記住這邏輯; joh duty係港式chinglish,英語人一時說this is my job(指工作內容,不是職位或受僱)或this is my duty(我的職責/任務)] Unfortunately, what I heard most in office is “it is none of by business”.

I think the reason is not clear of our job nature. And I hope that we can be make more clearly for job duty & nature on every
department. (it’s not necessary if everyone being self-discipline.) [這段實在太混亂表達不清和重覆。如果你想說要定名各職位的責任和工作內容:]
I order for everyone to work effectively with each other, we should clearly define the duties and responsiblities of each position or staff in every department.

I am only a staff in the Logistics team and work under my manager’s command. [Logistics係咁串的,留意正確的「物流」是多項性的配套安排的意思]I just want to know the person I need to report to in the future.
Who will help[] me to make a decision if I have a problem with new warehouse? [get是主動找來的動詞,問題一般意思是被動的出現,只會用have而不是你去get個問題回來的] It was so discouraging for me in this few
months and no one seems to be in charge. [was discouraged是passive voice被動式,用錯了; 更改take responsibity同上]

Moving a warehouse is a big project, a person cannot do it alone. [你思想的語法用了被動式you be done是錯的] I need support from all of you & let’s see ”Team Work”in our office again. [for是「為人做事」,這裏是你期望from人家的合作。]
2010-10-15 11:25 pm
I cannot agree with you more. As a matter of fact, there is nobody wants to take the responsibility if the project was faillure.

otherwides,to solve the problem is my job duty and the wods which i had heard inthe office is " it's not my business."

The reason why I say that is that I'm not clear the nature of my job.

only I was working at the logisic team and take the order of the manager.I just want present to him in the future.

Is there any one can help me to make a decision
2010-10-15 10:15 pm
2010-10-15 10:10 pm
「完全同意您。 实际上,沒人想要承担责任,如果項目失敗。
但是,解决问题是我们的一工作義務。 不幸地,大多詞我在辦公室聽見的那是「無由事務」。
我認為原因不是清楚的我們的工作自然。 並且我希望我們可以是為工作義務&amp更加清楚做; 在每個部門的自然。 (不是必要的是否是的大家自我訓練。)

我後勤隊的一個在經理的命令的僅職員和工作。 我想要在將來认识我的報告人。
如果我得到了新的倉庫的一個問題誰將帮助我做出決定? 它是,因此勸阻為我在這個少量月和沒有承担责任。

移動的倉庫是一個大項目,不僅人可以做。 我為你們大家將支持& 我們再看到「隊工作」在我們的辦公室。」

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