
2010-10-15 7:28 am




那些目前仍然在港生產紡織品及成衣的港商,他們積極把握Cepa所 帶來新的商機。他們仍能保留香港的生產線,主要原因是他們的產品都屬於高增值類別,以時尚設計、高品質、科技含量比較豐富為賣點,也以知名品牌為消費者熟 悉,零關稅有助他們提升產品在內地市場的競爭力,因而鼓勵他們擴大香港的生產規模,及投入更多資源於設計及物料開發上。

回答 (3)

2010-10-17 8:02 am
2010-10-16 3:41 pm
kEn : 您需要人手譯本嗎?
2010-10-15 7:46 am
CEPA gives Hong Kong's business opportunities are as follows:

In general, Cepa zero tariff on the production line to remain in Hong Kong, the production of high value-added products, the best interests of the manufacturers. For a number of patented products, such as patent medicines, Chinese medicines, and health products, select the incentive for greater production of stay in Hong Kong because Hong Kong's intellectual property system more perfect, the product, formula, or a lower chance of trademark counterfeiting. In addition, the Hong Kong brand products, such as food, will take Cepa interests, expanding local production scale, to some products sold to the mainland.

Textile and clothing industry

Those who are still in Hong Kong Hong Kong textiles and clothing production, they actively grasp the new opportunities brought by Cepa. They can still keep our production lines, mainly because their products are high value-added category, fashion design, high quality, technological content rich as a selling point, also known brand for consumers familiar with zero-tariff products will help enhance their competitiveness in the Mainland market, thereby encouraging them to expand our production scale, and devote more resources on the design and materials development.

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