文章 [問英文]請問哩段英文點寫?

2010-10-01 8:49 am


回答 (2)

2010-10-01 10:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
They said if they were ever audited by the tax authority, they would transfer the title of the of the shop to someone else immediately (possibly to one of their relatives) and continue to run the business behind the scene, in order to avoid penalties by the tax authorities.
2 separate bank accounts were used to hide their money from evading their tax dues. However I am not sure what names are on those accounts. Could be his own, his wife, or a joint account.

I also request that all information in regards of this case be kept confidentially.

2010-10-01 23:20:09 補充:
睇來人地想做金手指﹐ 驚比人點相麻﹐算啦。
2010-10-01 4:37 pm
不公開Profile者的提問, 不回答也吧!!!

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