
2010-09-30 6:25 pm

1/. 你要搵既人在通話中, 所以電話飛左出黎總機, 請你遲d再打俾佢.....
2/. 你要搵邊一個人?佢係邊一個部門..??

回答 (3)

2010-09-30 11:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am afraid the line that you are calling is engaged. This is the main switchboard, please try again later.May I know whom are you looking for? In which department?
2010-09-30 11:15 pm
以下為意譯,希望能幫上忙 :

1. The person whom you want to speak to is talking on another line, so that the incoming-call for him/her is transfered to the main exchange(電話總機).
Please phone him/her later.(Would you please phone him/her later?/Would you mind leaving a message to hime/her?)

2. Whom would you like to speak to ? Which department/section does he/she work in?

2010-09-30 15:33:49 補充:
typing mistake : hime -----> him
2010-09-30 7:24 pm
1/. 你要搵既人在通話中, 所以電話飛左出黎總機, 請你遲d再打俾佢.....

(1). I am sorry Mr. Lee's phone is engaged, would you please phone to him later.

(2) I am sorry Mary is talking on the other line, would you mind to leave a meassage or phone to her later.

2/. 你要搵邊一個人?佢係邊一個部門..??

May I help you? /
which department (section) you are looking for? /
who you are looking for? /
May I ask which department is Mr. Lee working at? /
May I ask the initial of Mr. Lee or which department he is working?

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