《評論》clumsy sentences?

2010-09-23 9:39 am
In asking a question having its origin from another answer, the 匿名 poster failed to do two things.

1. He should have stated the reference from which the quoted answer was taken.
2. He should have mentioned that the quoted answer was a translation of some Chinese text.

The 匿名 poster did not provide any of this information in his question because his intention was to humiliate the writer of the original answer.

For those interested, the quoted answer was taken from this thread

and the text to be translated was
"電話聯絡客人提供有關文件, 但他說他現在很忙, 待他無咁忙才回電話和我傾"

When I answer a question, I try to be as accurate as possible. I always look up dictionaries to make sure I am giving the correct answer. This said, I never claim my answers are perfect or they are 100% correct. There is always the possibility of mistakes, omissions and oversight. There is no 'best answer" in English as there are always other ways of expressing the same thing. I welcome any constructive comment to my answers.

This 匿名者 posted his question with an ill intent because he suffers from a helpless hatred to the writer. But there are a number of things I don't understand.

If he hates the writer so much why is he afraid to face him with a true identity, the identity with which he answers questions seriously? Is he afraid that his other good-guy image will be damaged if Yahoo users know he is also the king of swearing?

Is he so naive as to believe he can hide himself behind all his fake accounts when his writing style stands out above the rest?

I shall leave the answers to the 匿名 poster himself.

Now, who is this 匿名 poster? He is the notorious GarlicdogLee/SimonTam/ShanChan and many others. GarlicdogLee is really good at swearing and is very imaginative and creative in this craft.

GarlicdogLee's other ego is a 分類助人王 and a 分類高手 of the English category.

Due to word limitation, I have to stop here. Watch out for more.

回答 (2)

2010-09-24 8:20 pm
LOL @ "whom" = "old fashion".
2010-09-24 8:20 am
Who and where is Tom Lee? Are your eyes okay?

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