
2010-09-21 10:19 pm
另我想講如果月結單入面既發票無收過正本,請盡快通知我地,我地會再寄過証明幅本(Certificate True copy)比你

Attached please find the statement for you reference. If you do not received those invoices, please notify us.

回答 (5)

2010-09-21 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Enclosed please find the statement for your kind reference. If any invoice(s) mentioned in the statement that you still have not received yet, please feel free to advise at your soonest available, we will send the certified true copy to you upon request.
參考: I think so!
2010-09-23 12:47 am
另我想講如果月結單入面既發票無收過正本,請盡快通知我地,我地會再寄過証明幅本(Certificate True copy)比你

Attached please find the statement for you reference. If you do not receive the original invoices stated , please notify us.
2010-09-22 12:50 am
Accompanied by a statement, to assist in the processing section of line as soon as possible,
Also I want to say if statements in both the original invoice is not received, please notify me as soon as possible, I will send a proof of this site (Certificate True copy) than you
2010-09-21 11:16 pm
The monthly statements are enclosed for your processing of the payment.

If you have not received the original invoices as shown in the above statements , please notify us. We will re-send you its certificated true copies.

2010-09-21 18:51:34 補充:
correction : certificated true copies -----> certified true copies
發問者: (1) If you do not received...(incorrect) -----> If you do not receive...(correct)
(2) Enclosed please find the statement for your reference(此句意為: 附上月結單, 以供參考. 其意與您想說的有差異.) 再者, 此句子的語法沒有錯, 惟其句式有點過時.)

2010-09-21 18:54:49 補充:
(3) If any invoice(s) mentioned in the statement that you still have not received yet... 此句顛倒了原意.

2010-09-23 19:20:28 補充:
茲附上月結單(共......份), 以供 貴方處理款項事宜. 倘若 貴方收不到月結單所顯示的正本發票, 敬請通知我方,則我方會將已經驗証的真實副本補寄給 貴方.

2010-09-25 14:14:13 補充:
更改: 將已經驗證的...... ------>將被証明的......
2010-09-21 10:54 pm
第一句都ok,第二句有點修改:不是用those,要用these, 因為是你現在講的「這些」,不是另一間公司或他人send去的「那些」。當你要人家估幾時要通知你話,你要給他一個合理時間,因為只有你才知是何時寄出那些單據嘛。另外你寫的應是certified true copy。certified是形容詞,不是certificate文憑。

Attached please find the montly statement for you reference. If you do not received these mentioned invoices after one weeks, please notify us to send you a certificed true copy for payment.

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