Translate Plx!!! urgent!!

2010-09-21 7:36 pm


回答 (4)

2010-09-21 9:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please draft an contract in two originals, one in Chinese and another one in English, according to the following information.

2010-09-21 14:54:25 補充:
correction : an contract ------> a contract
2010-09-21 9:34 pm
Kindly draft a contract respectively in Chinese and English language in
accordance with the following information provided.
參考: my legal knowledge
2010-09-21 9:10 pm
Please draft an contract in both Chinese and English version, according to the following information.
2010-09-21 7:54 pm
Please draft two contracts, one in Chinese and one in English, with the information provided below.

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