Otherwise 在句中點解 ?

2010-09-21 5:58 pm
Law 句字 :

It was held that the covenant was reasonable as to time
but "otherwise" too wide.


回答 (3)

2010-09-21 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"otherwise" in this sentence means "apart from it" (除此之外)。

The covenant was reasonable as to time, but apart from that , it was too wide.
參考: my past learning
2010-09-24 12:09 am
回答者: garlic2010 ( 博士級 4 級 ) CAN TRASH his enemies, but

his enemies TRASH HIM BACK(they must be lousy people)!

You should learn the word"fairness", MAJOR HYPOCRITE(garlic2010)!

Now click on the button and report all these to Yahoo, MORON!

I don't *****ing care!

2010-09-24 01:35:33 補充:
I bet you chicken will never accept my challenge.

Holy cow! How I wish there were an iggy button on Yahoo Knowledge.

2010-09-24 01:37:41 補充:
意見者: garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 )
擅長領域: 程式語言 | 英文
發表時間: 2009-04-21 00:14:14
[ 檢舉 ] 有些答案似而非,特別在英文分類,英文是講文法的,有錯的地方不特別指出來,並不容易分辨正誤,只要不是存心抺黑或貶低對方,指出其他答案錯處亦無可厚非。這方面也要提醒自己不要犯錯。


2010-09-24 01:38:07 補充:

2010-09-28 15:49:33 補充:

I will leave this place to those who enjoy indulging themselves in worthless, mindless, I-can-do-nothing-but-shit mumbling. (from garlic the LIAR)

2010-09-28 15:49:41 補充:
"IT" talked about leaving this GREAT PLACE AGAIN!
If you keep your words this time, DON'T COME BACK!

No one needs chickens in this forum, for Yahoo knowledge is not FARM!

2010-09-28 15:50:23 補充:
Just enough your pathetic doggie life in KFC, CHICKEN!
2010-09-22 12:35 pm
ed_young (001) has explained that "otherwise" means "apart from it" (除此之外).



2010-09-24 00:08:26 補充:
I guess we have known each other for quite some time, 2 years or more perhaps.

Know Lee ( 小學級 5 級 ) 檔案建立:2010-09-23
Knowlee Lee ( 小學級 5 級 ) 檔案建立:2010-09-23

2010-09-24 00:09:19 補充:
If he hates the writer so much why is he afraid to face him with a true identity, the identity with which he answers questions seriously?

Answer yourself this question before coming to me again.

2010-09-24 05:54:19 補充:
You don't have the gut to post with your identity. No surprise.

『只要不是存心抺黑或貶低對方,指出其他答案錯處亦無可厚非』Yes, this is what I do all the time. There is nothing wrong with it in a Knowledge forum.

2010-09-24 05:59:41 補充:
I am having this time-wasting, worthless, money-burning exchange with I don't know who because someone gives me shit on the web. This is no knowledge.

2010-09-24 06:04:58 補充:
You have got it. "腸塞病患者" are people like you who vomit poo poo. They were those people who defended Baggio for his 『打壓票』. I have said "Shame on you Baggio" is history. If you want to shame her again, I do not mind doing it one more time.

2010-09-24 06:09:13 補充:
Read Baggio's confession.

"THIS IS NOT 打壓票, but a request on friends to vote on the CORRECT ANSWER."

2010-09-24 06:13:49 補充:
and this laughable defense by Baggio herself on the "correct answer".

You can easily tell a person from their style of writing. It does not require a great deal of training or psychic power.

2010-09-24 06:17:45 補充:
If you have anything constructive to say, I am all ears.

Don't be mistaken, I am not jklo911.

2010-09-24 07:51:42 補充:
Name some of my fake IDs, if you think I have any.

2010-09-24 15:23:49 補充:
I would rather watch the weather channel. I will leave this place to those who enjoy indulging themselves in worthless, mindless, I-can-do-nothing-but-shit mumbling.

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