《評論》language art

2010-09-21 1:47 pm
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100825000051KK01996

noendburn, You have been leaving negative rating on my answers with these remarks, "garlic2010 translated 'proud owner' to ''驕傲擁有人'. language 'art'?" I am not going to tell you what language art is about because you are too dumb to grasp it. I can tell you "你可以因擁有一本平裝聖經而自豪" is a poor translation of "you could become the proud owner of a plainly bound bible" because you did not take into consideration the implied context in which the speech was being made. "You could become the proud owner of a plainly bound bible" implies the bible is given out as a prize or a gift. That you could become the owner of something bears the implication that you do not need to earn it, or if you do, you can obtain it at a much discounted price. "你可以因擁有一本平裝聖經而自豪" is to be translated as "You could be proud of being the owner of a plainly bound bible". It implies that you earn the bible. I bet you don't see the difference between "you could become the proud owner of a plainly bound bible" and "you could be proud of being the owner of a plainly bound bible". Language is an art, as I always say but you will never get it.


noendburn 我服得你好緊要,連我 2008 的答案都入去負評一番。

回答 (2)

2010-09-22 5:58 pm
SimonTam, woman 又點會係契弟啊. 你搞清楚你自己係咪雌雄同體單性生殖先再出嚟講嘢啦. 唔明就去問你老母.
2010-09-22 8:46 am
Someone left this on one of my answers.
意見者: SimonTam ( 小學級 5 級 )
發表時間: 2010-09-21 10:54:02
[ 檢舉 ]
garlic2010 ( 博士級 4 級 ) is a dog!
Woof Woof!
This dog sleeps with every female doggie in this forum!
Be careful, guys!

2010-09-22 01:06:57 補充:
You are Wongtak Yee( 小學級 1 級 )

Your other account is whatiswhat24, now renamed to As

2010-09-22 01:07:19 補充:
You have many IDs, garlicdoglee, simontam are some of the notorious ones.
Do you remember jkoisabigjoke, layengispoop and many others you used to own?

2010-09-22 01:07:34 補充:
You write wonderful sentences

and have this habit of ....

2010-09-22 01:16:05 補充:
You want 證據. You say "I am what I am". Who are you, then? Aren't you too afraid to tell people who you are?

2010-09-22 01:59:10 補充:
You are the great EnglishCorrector, right. Yes, my answers are not that good. Post as many of my answers as questions as you like but please remember to give the reference as well.

2010-09-22 01:59:53 補充:
You said I refused to admit I had many hidden IDs. Why should I need more than one. Do you think I am afraid to stand in your face like you are?

2010-09-22 03:15:17 補充:
You are Wongtak Yee( 小學級 1 級 )



2010-09-22 03:17:03 補充:
As ( 博士級 1 級 ) formerly whatiswhat24



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