noendburn, You have been leaving negative rating on my answers with these remarks, "garlic2010 translated 'proud owner' to ''驕傲擁有人'. language 'art'?" I am not going to tell you what language art is about because you are too dumb to grasp it. I can tell you "你可以因擁有一本平裝聖經而自豪" is a poor translation of "you could become the proud owner of a plainly bound bible" because you did not take into consideration the implied context in which the speech was being made. "You could become the proud owner of a plainly bound bible" implies the bible is given out as a prize or a gift. That you could become the owner of something bears the implication that you do not need to earn it, or if you do, you can obtain it at a much discounted price. "你可以因擁有一本平裝聖經而自豪" is to be translated as "You could be proud of being the owner of a plainly bound bible". It implies that you earn the bible. I bet you don't see the difference between "you could become the proud owner of a plainly bound bible" and "you could be proud of being the owner of a plainly bound bible". Language is an art, as I always say but you will never get it.
noendburn 我服得你好緊要,連我 2008 的答案都入去負評一番。