
2010-09-21 11:31 am
發問者ballerina8197 對本人答案的評價是『將upto字體寫得較細是一般商人做法,回答者觀察力強,有創意。』

以下是評論者Dddddddddddd Aas的文字:


All items up to(small letters) 50 % off
侮辱中国人 中国 商人 非常愚蠢!

garlic2001 [ 低能兒童]


『將upto字體寫得較細是一般[狡猾的]中国商人的[无用伎俩]』 這句是Dddddddddddd Aas 寫的,這種話是否不折不扣的辱華指控﹖


Dddddddddddd Aas 認為
如果客户知道一切,他们仍然购买产品吗? OF COURSE THEY WON'T!

請問大家,當一間店鋪減價,門口寫著「全部貨品五折起」,"All items up to(small letters) 50 % off",大家是否就不會入去幫親﹖以八折、七折購物後是否覺得被騙﹖

減價牌通常都有細字「新到貨品除外」、「特價貨品除外」,以 Dddddddddddd Aas 的羅輯,這些店鋪都在侮辱中國人!

Dddddddddddd Aas 請看楚,本人戶名是 garlic2010,我不介意你話我是低能兒童,誰會作出如此低能評論,誰是低能兒童,Yahoo 用者心知肚明,我也不用多說。

Dddddddddddd Aas 侮辱所有行街購物人仕的知慧。


Dddddddddddd Aas, do you think you can hide your identity? Your writing style betrays you.

回答 (2)

2010-09-22 9:26 am
Dddddddddddd Aas is Wongtak Yee( 小學級 1 級 )

Your other account is whatiswhat24, now renamed to As

2010-09-22 01:28:18 補充:
You can change your accounts but not your style. Are you so naive as to believe you can hide behind all your fake accounts.

2010-09-22 01:30:02 補充:
You just left this on one of my answers.

意見者: SimonTam ( 小學級 5 級 )
發表時間: 2010-09-21 10:54:02
[ 檢舉 ]
garlic2010 ( 博士級 4 級 ) is a dog!
Woof Woof!
This dog sleeps with every female doggie in this forum!
Be careful, guys!

2010-09-22 01:30:57 補充:
You have many IDs, garlicdoglee, simontam are some of the notorious ones.
Do you remember jkloisabigjoke, layengispoop and many others you used to own?
Don't forget EnglishCorrector (Johnny)

2010-09-22 01:31:52 補充:
You write wonderful sentences

and have this habit of .... other people's wife, sister, mom and grandma.

2010-09-22 01:32:16 補充:
You want 證據. You say "I am what I am". Who are you, then? Aren't you too afraid to tell people who you are?

2010-09-22 01:48:07 補充:
You said I refused to admit I had many hidden IDs. Why should I need more than one? Do you think I am afraid to stand in your face like you are?
2010-09-21 8:20 pm
無啦啦拉晒成個民族落水, 想打民族牌? 呢個唔知番學攞幾多個D 嘅咩鬼 Aas 真係丟人現眼.
莫非佢未聽過西方國家有一句叫消費者打醒十二分精神先好購買或簽約嘅說話, 叫 "Read the fine print"?

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