
2010-09-13 9:11 am
"Food-wise, Professor Watson says, Mcdonald's is not the revolutionary, disruptive institution that theorists of cultural imperialism deem it to be, corroding the integrity of celebrated East Asian cuisines and helping create a homogenous global culture."


P.S. 可以既話,請唔好用網上翻譯字典,謝^^

回答 (8)

2010-09-13 4:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Food-wise, Professor Watson says, Mcdonald's is not the revolutionary, disruptive institution that theorists of cultural imperialism deem it to be, corroding the integrity of celebrated East Asian cuisines and helping create a homogenous global culture.

在 "食物" 方面,華生教授說,麥當勞並不是文化帝國主義理論家所謂的,一個侵蝕東亞飲食文化美譽及完整,和促進全球文化單元化,的革命性,破壞式機構。

(1) Theorists of cultural imperialism deem McDonald's to be a disruptive institution that is corroding the integrity of celebrated east Asian cuisines and helping create a homogenous global culture.
(一) 文化帝國主義理論家認為麥當勞是一個侵蝕東亞飲食文化美譽及完整,和促進全球文化單元化,的革命性,破壞式機構。

(2) Professor Watson disagrees, he says McDonald's is not that kind of institution.
(二) 華生教授不同意,他說麥當勞並不是這種機構。

2010-09-14 08:59:53 補充:

2010-09-14 09:05:40 補充:

"Food-wise, Professor Watson says, Mcdonald's is not the revolutionary, disruptive institution that is corroding the integrity of celebrated East Asian cuisines and helping create a homogenous global culture,as deemed by the theorists of cultural imperialism deem."

2010-09-14 09:09:51 補充:
改正: 以上最後的 "deem" 字是要刪除的。
參考: my past learning
2010-09-14 1:36 am
2010-09-14 1:01 am
屈臣教授稱,就食品層面而言,「麥當勞」並非一如文化帝國主義理論者所認為 - 是一間革命性的、引起混亂的機構,侵蝕著東亞美食文化的完整性,及對「全球化」產生著推波助瀾之效。
參考: hkslot
2010-09-14 12:20 am

2010-09-14 07:01:51 補充:
學術交流:food-wise, money-wise, health-wise
In the terms above, -wise means relating to. It has got nothing to do with wisdom.
2010-09-13 10:31 pm
以下譯本,希望能幫上忙 :

"一位老於世故的食家(food-wise), 屈臣教授表示, 麥當勞并非

正如文化擴張主義(cultural imperialism)的理論家(theorists)

所謂具有革命性的破壞機構 -- 令馳名的東南亞美食的完整性

受到侵蝕, 從而創立與其同質的全球飲食文化."

2010-09-13 17:20:20 補充:
eicachan : 出於學術交流, (1) Food-wise(老於世故的食), Professor Watson(在文法上,Professor Watson是作為同位語,有補充說明的功能) says, ... (2) cultural imperialism 也可譯為"文化擴張主義" .

2010-09-13 17:21:22 補充:
修正: 食--->食家

2010-09-13 17:23:24 補充:
修正: 東南亞------>東亞
2010-09-13 8:34 pm


2010-09-13 3:42 pm
Food-wise, Professor Watson says, Mcdonald's is not the revolutionary, disruptive institution that theorists of cultural imperialism deem it to be, corroding the integrity of celebrated East Asian cuisines and helping create a homogenous global culture."

食物方面上, 華森教授說, 麥當勞不是革命性破壞性的機構, 文化帝國主義理論家認為它是, 侵蝕完整性的馳名東亞烹飪, 並且幫助創造一個同類的全球性文化.

Celebrated (adjective) - 解 “馳名的”, has nothing to do with celebration. (慶祝)

Integrity (noun) - 完整. 不是解 "正直"
a man of integrity (這可解正直)

Food-wise -食物方面上, "wise" has nothing to do with 明智

翻譯不能字譯字, 要看前文下理, 要意譯.
2010-09-13 10:32 am
食物明智的,華森教授說, Mcdonald' s不是革命,製造混亂的機關文化帝國主義的理論家視為它是,腐蝕慶祝的東亞烹調正直,並且幫助創造同源全球性文化。
參考: 自己的腦袋

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