
2010-09-10 6:02 am
係20世紀時 ,有2個囚犯正準備接受死刑.
突然 ,囚犯a林到一個能脫險的方法
囚犯a就大叫 有龍捲風!
大家就很慌張 ,四處亂跑
但囚犯b就不好彩 ,比人捉番
誰知囚犯b在處決時 ,大叫fire!

回答 (4)

2010-09-10 8:43 am
✔ 最佳答案

In the 20th century, there were 2 prisoners were intended to be executed.
Suddenly, prisoner A hit on an idea that could made him to escape.
Then, he yelled "Tornado!"
Everybody was in panic and stampeded.
He then took this chance to run away.
But unluckily, prisoner B was caught.
The next day, he took the prisoner A's idea.
He thought that fire also frightened the others.
But nobody would expected that he yelled "Fire!" while the execution!

Note : suppose prisoner A and prisoner B were both male.




2010-09-11 16:56:15 補充:
Due to my seriously wrong concept and wordig, I do my answer one more time as follow :

In the 20th century, there were 2 prisoners were intended to be executed.
Suddenly, prisoner A hit on an idea that could made him to escape.
Then, he screamed out "Tornado is coming now! Tornado is coming now!"

2010-09-11 16:56:33 補充:
Everybody was in panic and stampeded.
He then took this chance to run away.
But unluckily, prisoner B was caught.
The next day, he took the prisoner A's idea.
He thought that fire also scared the others.
However, nobody would expected that he screamed out "Fire! Fire!" while the execution!
參考: 喵肯兄
2010-09-12 6:22 am
In the 20th century,two prisoners are prepared to accept the death penalty.
Suddenly,the prisoners a forest to a darger of method. Prisoners have tornadoes A huarry!Everyone is scared
2010-09-11 5:49 pm
係20世紀時 ,有2個囚犯正準備接受死刑.
突然 ,囚犯a林到一個能脫險的方法
囚犯a就大叫 有龍捲風!
大家就很慌張 ,四處亂跑
但囚犯b就不好彩 ,比人捉番
誰知囚犯b在處決時 ,大叫fire!
Department of the 20th century, there were two prisoners are prepared to accept the death penalty.
Suddenly, the prisoner can escape a forest in a way
The prisoners cried out with a tornado on!
We very panic, run around
At this point, of course, by the prisoners a chance to escape
But the prisoners b bad color on more than one catch Fan
Second day of the prisoner b school on the lam, the prisoners a way to live
Prisoners b scared that the fire will be drainage in touch
Who knows when the executions of prisoners b, shouting fire!
2010-09-10 6:38 am
In the 20th century,two prisoners are prepared to accept the death penalty.
Suddenly,the prisoners a forest to a darger of method. Prisoners have tornadoes A huarry!Everyone is scared and, on the go at this point,if course,the opportunity to a prisoner escaped but the prisoner is not luck B than people who catch the Muscovy on the second day of the prisoners lived in forest b is a way for prisoners.Prisoners should B think fire touch will scare him to B in the exections of prisoners who,shout fire.

希望幫到你,有d(A,B=你講的prisoners a同埋b[大偕a,b代表prisoners a,b])
參考: 字典

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