
2010-09-07 5:20 am
The government would face challenges implementing this policy,but i believe it would be as successful as the indoor smoke-free policy

點解上面果句既implement 要加 ing???

回答 (4)

2010-09-12 11:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The government would face challenges implementing this policy,but i believe it would be as successful as the indoor smoke-free policy

Implementing this policy is a gerund as there is only one verb in a sentence.

The government can help with more education by having promotions (pointing) out the risks involved in drink and drug driving.

By having promotions pointing our ..... is also a gerund - same reason as the lst sentence.

Drink and Drug driving = drving here is a noun or an action not a gerund.

The government can help with more education by having promotions to point out the risks involved in the drink and drug drving.

pointing 變做to point又得唔得 yes , we can do so as sentence above
2010-09-07 11:40 pm
發問者: 該句子宜改為 : The government will face challenges in the implementation of this policy/in implementing this policy, but I believe that its implementation would be as successful as the indoor-free policy.

2010-09-07 20:31:48 補充:
correction : the indoor-free policy ------> the the "No Smoking Areas" policy
2010-09-07 6:48 pm


2010-09-07 8:24 am
你的問題很易解釋, implement除作名詞外亦可作動詞, 在動詞後加ing就變了個 ' 動名詞'(gerund),令 implementing this policy成為個名詞,一件事情,那是對的;但我認為句子是漏寫了個介詞(preposition) to在challenges後面, 令句子在文法上變成錯句。

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