請問這英文句子的意思 (不是字面的意思)

2010-09-06 8:57 pm
You made you own bed.

回答 (4)

2010-09-07 4:41 am
 Make your own bed = 執床 (tidy the sheet and cover after you get up)

這個句子很普及, 父母叫孩子們執床經常使用

You have made your own bed and you must lie on it = You must accept the results of your actions, even if they are bad. 自作自受, 自食其果 (Spoken words)

要加 "and you must lie on it"
2010-09-06 10:25 pm
you made your own bed = 自食其果咁既意思
2010-09-06 9:42 pm
Meaning of "You made your own bed":
You are the one who made your own bed, so when you slept on it and didn't feel comfortable, or something happened, don't blame anyone but yourself.


(1) 你自食其果
(2) 你自作自受
(3) 你自作孽
(4) 你自取其辱
(5) 你自取灭亡
(6) 你自找苦吃
(7) 你自掘墳墓
參考: 自己
2010-09-06 9:28 pm
The underlying meaning is ' you must be responsible for what you have done.'.or ' you must take the results of your own action(S).'.
參考: nil

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