
2010-09-02 8:42 pm
請將以下中文譯為英文. 謝謝!
旅遊最大得著莫過於盡情怡然自樂, 從行程中隨心而行, 隨性而走.

回答 (5)

2010-09-02 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
旅遊最大得著莫過於盡情怡然自樂, 從行程中隨心而行, 隨性而走.

The most you gain from travelling is to enjoy what you like the most,
should go along with the itinery with your wishes and characteristic.

參考: Self
2010-09-03 12:14 am
Travel biggest have to wear nothing is better than in heartily contented from the joy, arbitrary from the route of travel and go, walk with the temperament. 不過唔知啱唔啱呢?
參考: myself
2010-09-02 11:47 pm
The traveling results in the nothing better than to be contented heartily most greatly, from traveling schedule but the line, walks as one desires along with the nature.
2010-09-02 11:41 pm
Tourism is the largest gains as comfortable, but always from the trip, along with the nature and walking.
2010-09-02 8:47 pm
Travel biggest have to wear nothing is better than in heartily contented from the joy, arbitrary from the route of travel and go, walk with the temperament.

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