Grammatical mistakes

2010-09-01 3:04 am
Are there any mistakes in the following composition?

Our tutor Suki provides detailed comparisons between different years of English Language pastpaper, how the question structures are similar and what vocabulary are repeatedly examined, etc. I remembered she once said, "English Language is not only a test of your exam skills, but also a test of how determined and hardworking you are in finishing all years of its pastpaper." I took her advice and it paid off . Even though it is way past the time lessons end, she did not mind giving us extra time and bears each student's interest at heart.

回答 (2)

2010-09-01 3:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Our tutor Suki makes detailed comparisons between different-year English Language past papers like how similar the question structures are and those vocabularies which are repeatedly examined. I remembered that she once said, "English Language is not only a test of your exam skills, but also a test of how determined and hard-working you are in finishing all of the pastpapers." I took her advice and it paid off .Even though it is way past the time lessons end, she did not mind giving us extra time and beared each student's interest at heart.

Vague parts

2010-08-31 19:15:12 補充:
Hope that you find it useful.
2010-09-01 4:25 am
Our tutor Suki provides detailed comparisons between different years of English Language past paper, how the question structures are similar and what vocabulary are repeatedly examined, etc. I remembered she once said, "English Language is not only a test of your exam skills, but also a test of how determined and hardworking you are in finishing all years of its past paper." I took her advice and it paid off. Even though it passed the time the lessons ended, she did not mind giving us extra time and put each student's interest at heart.

I rather use the word “put” instead of “bear”. The past tense of the verb “bear” is “bore”, not “beared”.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:29:19
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