
2010-08-12 5:58 am


1) 唔好意思呀, 我不是太清潔關於這個程序, 我已經pass 左 reservation team
去跟進. 另外,我們可以透過電郵跟進呢件事嗎?

2) 關於這個問題, ,請問可以 以 email 回覆你嗎?

回答 (4)

2010-08-12 2:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Sorry, I'm not sure about the procedure, so I've passed your case on to our reservation team to follow up.

2) Regarding this case, would you mind if I reply to you by email?

或者 If you don't mind I'll reply to this case by email.
2010-08-12 5:36 pm
1. I regret for no idea on this procedure, and have passed the case to our reservation team for following up. By the way, appreciate if we may keep contact on this issue by e-mail.

2. In regards to this inquiry, can we reply you by e-mail?
2010-08-12 9:09 am
1) sorry that Yeah, I'm not too clean on this program, I have pass left reservation team
To follow up. In addition, we can follow it through e-mail thing?

2) On this question,, what can email reply to you?
2010-08-12 7:30 am
ka lee:
1) I am terribly sorry that I am not too sure about this procedure, but I
have already passed your case for follow-up to the reservation team.
Moreover, shall we communicate about the case by e-mail ?
2) May I ask if I can give you a reply to this question by e-mail ? 或簡單地說
May I ask if I can reply your question by e-mail ?
參考: nil

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