誰能幫忙 翻譯這段英文

2010-08-07 12:36 pm
As soon as I receive your reply that you are ready to proceed under these terms, then I will furnish you with all details including the bank information for the secure of the release of my funds to you. But if you have any Questions up to this stage, please ask and I will be more than happy to respond to them. And I will send you all the necessary documentations to conclude this transaction and the security company details as you know my life is very short. Thanks once again for your mail, your mail has really gone far to relieve me and I pray to almighty GOD with His infinite mercy to reward you more and more. I want you to continue praying for me so that God would forgive me and be merciful to Me and accept my soul.

回答 (2)

2010-08-14 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
希望發問者不會移除 .



品轉讓給您的資料) . 在這一階段, 如果您有任何問題,

請向我查詢, 我會很樂意解答.正如您所知,我的生命不

會太長了, 我會寄給您所有必須文件及證券公司的資

料, 以完成此項交易. 謝謝您的來函, 該函真的令我大為

放心. 我要向全能的,無限慈悲的上帝/神祈禱, 賜予您更

多的報賞, 而我想您為我祈禱, 請求上帝/神原諒我,寛恕


2010-08-13 23:29:49 補充:
更正: 謝謝您的來函-----> 再次感謝您的來函

2010-08-17 21:05:36 補充:
發問者: 即使您天天向上帝祈禱, 也不會獲得原諒或寬恕,希望您能自我反省!以後不要再愚弄回答者.
2010-08-16 10:44 pm
当我接受您的回复您准备根据这些协议进行,然后我将装备您与所有细节包括安全的银行信息我的资金发行给您。 但是,如果您有任何问题由这个阶段决定,请要求,并且我更比愉快将是反应他们。 并且我将送您所有必要的文献结束这种交易,并且证券公司细节,当您知道我的生活是非常短的。 再次感谢您的邮件,您的邮件真正地去解除我和我祈祷给全能神以他的无限慈悲越来越奖励您。 我要您持续祈祷为我,以便上帝会原谅我并且是仁慈的对我并且接受我的灵魂。

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