
2010-08-07 5:42 am

"Every time I go into the library where I worked I notice elderly people who don't know how to use computers and can't find anyone to help."

究竟句子中的go係咪句子的main verb?如果係,notice 又係唔係?
呢句子又有冇conjunction 係到? Every time 算唔算係?
如果go 同notice 都係verb又冇conjunction 既話係咪就係錯grammar?


回答 (3)

2010-08-07 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A. Every time I go into the library where I worked,
B. I notice elderly people who don't know how to use computers and can't find anyone to help.

1. go into VS. am in
go into 走進
am in 在(1個地方)內

你句句子既意思係" 每當你[[[行入]]]間圖書館就見到唔識電腦既老人家"
所以 Every time I am in the library ... 比較對.

2. work VS. worked
I work in the library. --> 我在圖書館工作.
I worked in the library. --> 我[[[曾經]]]在圖書館工作.

3. elderly其實= old people
所以elderly people=old people people

4. B句子意思出錯. 係個'and'出問題.
"I notice elderly people who don't know how to use computers and can't find anyone to help."
"I notice elderly people who don't know how to use computers"
"I can't find anyone to help."

咁就變左係 "你見到唔識用電腦既老人家,,然後你搵唔到人幫手"
"I notice some elderly, who don't know how to use computers, can't find anyone to help."

5. notice that
B句子係1個that clause
但係that clause個'that"係可有可無
即係"I notice some elderly ... "同"I notice that some elderly ..."

總結: 最正確既文法,,最岩意思既係:
Every time I am in the library where I work,
I notice some elderly, who don't know how to use computers, can't find anyone to help.

參考: 自己!
2010-08-07 7:06 am
其實呢個句子有d長, 可以簡化少少.

I noticed elderly people (the elderly) who don't know how to use computers and cannot find anyone to help.

因為"Every time I go into the library where I worked" 唔係重點, 佢只係描述你幾時見到冇人幫長者呢個情況, 所以可以省略.

如果你覺得你要加番呢樣野, 你可以將佢分成兩句
Every time I go into the library where I worked, I notice a problem. Elderly people who don't know how to use computers cannot find anyone to help.

I noticed elderly people who don't know how to use computers and cannot find anyone to help in the library I work.


go唔係main verb, notice就係, 頭先講過前半句係描述你發現呢個情況既時間, 呢個子句(clause)亦都唔係main clause.
真正描述你既動作既係notice, 而worked後面先係main clause.

every time係conjunction


我都係用我對英文既感覺黎答, 所以如果有錯請修正!
Hope it helps! ;)

ps.你寫得出一個咁長既句子, 除左累贅左d之外, 基本上冇乜grammatical mistake, 所以你英文其實都唔差啦!
參考: 自己
2010-08-07 6:37 am
發問者: 該句有英語語法錯誤, 宜改為When (conjuction) I go into the library where I worker I notice (main verb) that the elderly who don't know how to use computer are trying in vain to look for someone who can be of help to them.

2010-08-06 22:47:10 補充:
發問者: 請將every time 置於the library 後面.

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