好急好急, 幫我執執D英文

2010-08-06 4:26 am
I appreciate to work at operations team and the past half-year performance.
It is my pleasure to share my computer knowledge with colleagues and I will enhance my presentation skills.
Provide ideas to enhance effectiveness and efficiency of work performance and enhancement of operation procedures.

回答 (1)

2010-08-06 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
I deeply appreciate our operations team members, with whom I have worked over the past six months .

Moreover, it is a great pleasure for me to share my knowledge of computer with colleagues there, which can improve my presenatation skills.

What' more, their suggestions /their ideas have not increased working effiency but also improved operational procedures .

2010-08-05 22:49:15 補充:
Correction : , which can improve my presentation skills -----> which can improve my computer technique.

2010-08-05 22:50:49 補充:
typing mistake : effiency -----> efficiency

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