
2010-08-05 8:28 am
After checked the enrollment record, here is the number of vacant of the Seminars in August and September.


Due to limited space, please reserve your seat by returning the enrollment form to me on or before 7Aug (Sat).

Should you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact me any time.

8、9月有幾場Seminar,我想send mail話比d同學知邊場仲有幾多空位(我會付個表列明日期同空位),叫佢地快d交enrollment form(7號之前),咁樣寫好似仲差緊d野咁...可唔可以幫下我呀~唔該哂你地呀~


回答 (1)

2010-08-05 9:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Re : Reservation for Seminars in August and September 2010

The attached table/tables/The table/tables below has/have detailed seats of availablity. For reservation please complete the attached enrollment form/the enrollment form below and send it to me before 7th August ,2010.

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact me by email or by phone (Tel : xxxx xxxx) .

Thank you for your attention.

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