英文sentence structure問題

2010-07-30 7:02 am
Food labelling law has been enacted this month,aiming to provide food nutritional value for reference.

回答 (3)

2010-07-30 5:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Food labelling law has been enacted.. this month,
......subject............v in passive voice.......adv......

aiming致力<=== to provide........... food nutritional value for reference.
現在分詞作verb...不定詞作adv.......................adj phrase..................


2010-07-30 09:53:00 補充:
002 欠咗個this month (adv)
2010-07-30 9:58 am
The Food Labelling Regulation XXX(e.g.2008) aiming to provide consumers with information about food nutritional value for reference has been enacted this month.
2010-07-30 7:43 am
Food labelling law aiming to provide food nutrition value for reference(to the
general public)has been enacted.一句過就可以了, 括弧內是我提議加上令句子的意思更完滿。
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