
2010-07-13 8:05 am
they call the exercise"mobilization "a term whose martial connotations contrast ludicrously with the paltry forces thus summoned , for i've lost sixty-six pounds in just twenty weeks.

另外martial connotations其實咩野意思

回答 (4)

2010-07-13 11:51 pm
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這句話來自法國作家 Jean-Dominique Bauby 的半自傳The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (潛水鐘與蝴蝶)的英譯本。Bauby 他中風後全身癱瘓,只得左眼眼皮可活動。在友人的協助下,靠著眨動左眼,他一個字母一個字母地寫下這本不同尋常的回憶錄。出書後二天,他便去世。但他告訴世人,他被禁錮的靈魂永遠活著。
At eight-thirty the physical therapist arrives. Brigitte, a woman with an athletic figure and an imperial Roman profile, has come to exercise my stiffened arms and legs. They call the exercise "mobilization," a term whose martial connotations contrast ludicrously with the paltry forces thus summoned, for I've lost sixty-six pounds in just twenty weeks. When I began a diet a week before my stroke, I never dreamed of such a dramatic result.
他們叫這手法做“動員”, 與軍事上的“動員”相比,它所喚起的力量實在微不足道,我只在20星期內體重便減了66磅。

martial connotations 解在軍事上的涵義。

2010-07-13 16:07:34 補充:

Mobilization 是軍事上的動員及調配。剛好Mobilization 也是物理治療手法的名稱。

Forces 在軍事上可以是指軍隊,但這句子裡forces 就指力量。

Summon在軍事上可以是指召集,但這句子裡summon 就指喚起。

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 感人之處在於Bauby 中風後雖然全身癱瘓,但仍保持樂天,以積極的態度面對人生。
2010-07-13 8:38 pm

2010-07-13 12:43:24 補充:
martial connotation意謂「軍事意義」,是在說mobilization一字所帶出的感覺。因mobilize是指「準備行動」、「動員」(尤指打仗時),感覺好「太」勁、「太」有氣勢了。
參考: hkslot
2010-07-13 10:38 am

they call the exercise "mobilization " a term whose martial connotations contrast ludicrously with the paltry forces thus summoned , for i've lost sixty-six pounds in just twenty weeks.

注:由於我搵唔倒 "mobilization" 嘅中文意思 (除咗「動員」同埋「調動」喱啲係喱唔適用嘅意思之外),所以我只能自己諗個中文詞語「活動術」嚟代替,請留意。

另外,martial connotations = 武術上的含義
(martial = 武術的 / 武術上的,connotations = 含義)


參考: 喵肯兄
2010-07-13 8:15 am

martial connotations is 武術內涵

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