
2010-07-13 4:51 am
The central government repeatedly urged the Democratic Party to distance itself from a pro-democracy group branded subversive by Beijing during talks with the party on Hong Kong's political reform.

我特別想問branded subversive by Beijing 這個是什麼grammar or sentence pattern?點解可以咁寫?
我睇報紙成日見到,又似passive voice,如果真係,點解個verb同by之間可以加多個字?

回答 (2)

2010-07-13 6:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
是passive voice
branded即是被標籤或點名(品牌)為一樣東西 - subversive (反對/顛覆)

He is nick-named "long hair"「長毛」.
Our Chief Eexcutive, named BOW TIE, was very nervous about the debate.
2010-07-13 8:44 am

The central government repeatedly urged the Democratic Party to distance itself from a pro-democracy group branded subversive by Beijing during talks with the party on Hong Kong's political reform.

另外,題主講嘅 "branded subversive by Beijing",裡面嘅 "branded" 係 adjective,喺喱度嘅意思係 "被標籤了的";而 "subversive" 亦都係 adjective,喺喱度嘅意思係 "顛覆的"。兩個 adjective 都係用嚟形容 "pro-democracy group"。另外,跟住嘅 "by Beijing" 嘅意思只係 "被北京"。所以喱度嘅 "branded subversive by Beijing" 根本唔算 passive voice。

最後,根據我上嘅解釋,"subversive" 係指 "pro-democracy group",而唔係指 "the Democratic Party"。



參考: 喵肯兄

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