
2010-07-01 11:18 pm

A few years ago to Kuala Lumpur summer travel, it's a hot, damp climate neighboring countries, Singapore and Thailand's main food like us, Malaysia's most of the coastal areas in central plains, are full of dense tropical forests is of the plateau. Malaysia's main source of income is electronic products export and sightseeing, tourism is one of the hot countries in southeast Asia.


The first several year summer vacation go to Malaysia capital city Kuala Lumpur tour, that is a weather damp and blazing hot of nation, close by Singapore and Thailand, their main of food with we similar is a rice, all of Malaysia most of the forelands be a plain, central part then spread all over thick tropical zone the plateau of the rain forest.Malaysia is main of economy the source be an electronics to product export and sightseeing, is a Southeast Asia tour of popular nation .


回答 (3)

2010-07-02 6:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A few years ago during summer holiday, I travelled to the capital of Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur. It is a country with damp and hot climate,which is adjacent to Singapore and Thailand . Its main food is the same as ours - rice. Malaysia feateres/has plains along with its most coastal areas and plateaus covered with tropical forests in its central area .

Malaysia is one of popular tourism countries in the southasia, and its's source of income mainly comes from export of electronic products and tourism .

2010-07-02 10:22:42 補充:
correction : (1) ... with its most coastal areas -------> with its most of coastal areas
(2) the southasia ------> the Southeast Asia

2010-07-02 10:41:59 補充:
correction : (3) its's source of income -----> its source of income

2010-07-03 19:12:32 補充:
correction : tropical forests ------> tropical rainforests
2010-07-02 7:52 am


2010-07-01 11:47 pm
A few years ago during summer holiday, I travelled to the capital of
Malaysia ------ Kuala Lumpur.It is a hot and damp country adjacent
to Singapore and Thailand. The main food which Malasians eat is the same
as ours ----- rice. Most of the Malaysian coastal areas are in central plains.
For its middle area, it is a plateau where is full of dense tropical forests.
Its main revenue comes from import of electronic goods as well as
sightseeing.All these geographical and economic advantages makes
Malaysia a popular country for tourism in southeast Asia.

Hope that you will find it useful.
To be frank, the version you translate may be a little bit like
those translating machines / media do.

2010-07-01 22:55:20 補充:
I'm sorry for the mistake I have made.

Wrong word:

....comes from export of electronic......

It should be "export",not "import".

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