
2010-07-01 6:25 pm

可以點翻譯英文, 請高手指點~

回答 (6)

2010-07-01 7:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
...not a martial arts expert. What the master values are Bao's wits and ability to deal with emergencies with what is at hand. These are more important than Kung Fu skills.
參考: me
2010-07-04 11:19 am
Mr.xxx/Miss xxx/He/She is not a person with superb fighting skills/superb Kung Fu, while you, the Master of Kung Fu, appreciate Boa's reaction according to circumstances, who know how to make use of whatever is available for/is best for problem-solving at a critical time. This trait could top any kinds of Kung Fu .

2010-07-04 10:55:46 補充:
correction : who know how to make use of -----> because he knows how to make use of
2010-07-01 11:00 pm
Wing Hong:
你要求的是斷章取義的繙譯, 我確是有點懷疑第二句的" 而且大師...."是否真的要譯而且, 但要求如此, 唯有照譯如下:
and not a good hand at Kung Fu, and the master appreciates Bo's
super-sensitive reaction to enable himself to make use of whatever
readily available during critical moments; this advantage of his alone
is superior than any Kung Fu.
參考: nil
2010-07-01 9:31 pm
Not being a person with good martial arts skills, the master focuses on how Ah Po reacts to random circumstances. He knows to utilize present things to solve problems at critical periods. Only this point can win any skills.
2010-07-01 6:43 pm


Is not a superb martial arts, while the master is the value Bao responses, to understand things at a critical time used to solve existing problems, it is better than no effort.
2010-07-01 6:40 pm
Rather than the martial arts with high ability, and master value Bao responses, to understand things at a critical time to solve the problem using existing alone on this point than to any effort.


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