Adjective or adverbial phrase?

2010-06-29 8:52 am
The chair is of wooden material.
I know that "of wooden material" is an adjective phrase.

"The chair is made of wood."
I am not sure if I have asked the following questions correctly, let alone the answers.

1. Does "made of" go together like a phrasal verb?
2. Is "of wood" an adjective or an adverbial phrase?
3. Is "of wood" used to qualify "the chair" or the verb "is made"?

回答 (3)

2010-06-29 7:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Grammatically speaking
1) "made of" is just a verb collocation= a verb followed by a preposition = a prepositional verb, but it is never a phrasal verb.
prepositional verb = the preposition does not affect the meaning of the verb it follows.
phrasal verb = a prepostion gives a verb a new meaning or causes the verb to assume a secondary or subsidiary meaning.
The following verbal collations, for example, are not phrasal verbs: they are verbs followed by prepositions and may be classed as prepositional verbs - but never as phrasal verbs
e.g. answer for (= responsible for) the child's safety
came across (= met accidentally) an old friend
set about (= began) cooking a meal

2) "of" = a preposition used to say what material has been used to make something
e.g. a dress of pure silk = a dress made of pure silk
of wood = made of wood ; of wood-----> prepositinal phrase follows/ after the verb made. It is therefore neither an adjective phrase nor an adverbial phrase.

3) as in 2) "of wood" is a prepositional phrase after the verb made, and " made of wood" is used to modify the chair.

2010-06-29 11:48:18 補充:
Prepositions and Adverbial Particles was written by J. B Heaton in 1965
參考: prepositions and adverbial particles - Longman
2010-06-30 11:37 pm
The chair is " of wooden material " 是adj. or adv. phrase?
以上那句是修飾動詞=is...." of wooden material. " 就是adv. phrase.
=那椅子是 ..." 屬於木的材料."

如 : The chair " of wooden material. " 冇咗個動詞" is ".
" of wooden material " 修飾 the chair, 就是adj. phrase.去形容noun.
= " 屬於木材的" 椅子.

Q1. : "made of " 不是一個組合詞組. 而是各有各的演繹,
"made"是句前的 is made =被製成passive voice.
" of " 是句後 修飾/說明/形容的prepositional phrase as adv用.

Q2. : of wood 是一[介詞短語]. 因句前是is made 被動詞,
當然是adverbial phrase....若句前是noun,那就是adjective phrase.

Q3. : 任何 [ 介詞短語 ] 都可修飾 noun or verb. 沒有限定,

2010-06-30 15:52:22 補充:
例 : The children play " in the garden. " .......是 adv. phrase. 去形容play.

The children " in the garden " play. .............是adj. phrase. 去形容 the children.
2010-06-30 1:55 am


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