有沒有 Regarding that 的寫法?

2010-06-22 7:10 am
Regarding 後面通常是跟一個 noun , 如果跟一個 that clause 可不可行?

雖然我在一些香港網站Search 到有些香港人是這樣寫, 但好奇下查一查字典, 完全沒有這種形態的例句, 而且我還到美國的Search Engine 找過, 發現外國網站的文章也沒有這種寫法. 只找到 regarding that + noun 而沒有 regarding + that-clause

請問各位究竟英文有沒有 regarding + that-clause ?

如果想寫關於某件事, 而某件事需要用 子句(clause) 來交代應該要怎麼寫呢? 請指教...

回答 (4)

2010-06-23 11:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
不敢說沒有 Regarding + noun clause,但記憶中沒有見過。Noun clause 其實可以用 noun 或 gerund 形式表逹,何不將你要表逹的 clause 寫出來,看看可以怎樣修改。

2010-06-22 00:01:30 補充:

Regarding the fact that ...

2010-06-23 00:57:35 補充:
Just because a certain pattern was used some 400 years ago does not mean it is the most appropriate expression for today.

jy614970, what you should bear in mind is not whether you can or cannot use a certain language pattern but what best conveys your idea.

2010-06-23 00:58:03 補充:
If regarding + noun clause is what it takes to express yourself, then go for it. Also bear in mind that there is most likely a way to turn a noun clause into a noun phrase using nouns and gerund.

2010-06-23 03:53:03 補充:
As other contributors have mentioned, it is uncommon to use the "Regarding + that-clause" expression. One way to change that pattern is to use such nouns as "fact", "report", "rumour", "complaint", etc. after "Regarding", then followed by that-clause.

Regarding the fact that ...
Regarding the report that ...

If the event you need to mention is not very long, consider using a noun phrase for the event.

Below are the examples you cited.

Regarding the report of mischievous conduct on the third floor of the mall, ...
Regarding the complaint that some people were behaving inappropriately in the mall, ...

Regarding + that-clause, why not?
Regarding that the floor and the benches in the station areas were dirtied with intent, ...

Or Regarding + noun + that-clause
Regarding the complaint that the floor and the benches in the station areas were dirtied with intent, ...

The difference lies in whether you are replying in regard to the incident or the complaint of the incident. Also bear in mind that if you use "Regarding + that-clause", it implies you have accepted what is mentioned in the that-clause as a fact.
2010-06-22 7:39 pm


2010-06-22 7:35 pm
2010-06-22 4:19 pm
It is a bit awkward to use that-clause after 'regarding'. You can change the clause to noun.

John applied for the job.
Regarding that John applied for the job, ........ (regarding + that-clause)
Regarding John's application for the job,.......... (regarding + noun)

See if it helps!

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