
2010-06-04 4:11 am
i can't more agree with you!!

回答 (8)

2010-06-04 12:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It should be written as:
I can't agree with you more.非常同意
2010-06-10 9:14 am
Ans 004,

Do you know you cannot put "be" before "agree" just as you cannot say
"I am agree with you"?

2010-06-10 01:14:41 補充:
Agree is a verb, not an adjective.

2010-06-10 01:17:31 補充:
I can't agree with you more!

2010-06-10 01:20:17 補充:
Sorry, I am referring to answer 006, not 004.
2010-06-08 4:15 am
2010-06-04 10:58 pm
I can't more agree with you!! 呢句本身係解"我不得不同意你(的意見)",
即"我很同意" 的意思.

grammar 無錯, 只係呢句係negative statement with exclamation, 唔係香港人好慣常的寫法/語法, 但如果你有一本齊全d嘅grammar書, 找一找negative question & answer, 就會見到呢種 語法

留意句尾的  !!! (exclamation mark), grammar 上係一句
negative answer with exclamation.

ie. QUESTION: Don't you agree this dress is nice?
ANS: Oh yea, I can't be more agree with you!!

2010-06-05 01:38:30 補充:
如果你講 I can't agree with you more!
呢句你就真係唔同意講者o既說話... 意思是: 我真的不能再同意你(的意見)!
語氣雖然同樣跟著exclamation, 但卻帶不悅語氣.

2010-06-08 11:41:10 補充:
以下兩句語法上雖正確, 但表達意思不一樣:
I can't be more agree with you!! (說話者認同意見) = i cannot BE MORE agree with you = (in another word) I am strongly agree with you

I can't agree with you more!! (說話者不認同意見) = I CANNOT agree with you MORE = (in another word) I cannot take your opinion anymore

2010-06-10 02:32:19 補充:
今日學生帶左份五月份中四英文exam 黎見我, 上邊有exactly 同一question o既mc, 正確答案係"completely agree". 樓上位同學. 我無答錯呀, 係你解錯咋

2010-06-10 02:56:39 補充:
re: garlic2010, 無鍺呀, agree 係verb, not adj, 不過"agree with" ___係一組expression, 句式中都係一動詞解作同意.英文唔同中文, 唔可以逐隻字解架.
Do you agree?
eg.  No, I don't (/ do not) agree with you
or in another word, I disagree with you.
句式中用 do not 係用黎強調極度不(同意) 的意思呀.

2010-06-10 02:56:47 補充:
而發問者問o既題目, I can't more agree with you! 都係一樣, 說話的句法係要強調巳經好同意, 同意去到極限, 做唔到再加多一d去表示更同意, 即完完全全的同意呀

2010-06-10 09:58:56 補充:
一句更有層次的translation 為 "我對你(的意見)無可否認, "
( ) 內的為句子中imply 去句子o既意思, 至於"無可否認"係同意定唔同意, 請恕在下才疏學淺, 我只係ESL (English as a 2nd language) TEACHER, 唔係中文老師, 呢個留番俾你自己去諗啦.
參考: 本人居於加拿大13年, 現兼職為中學英文補習老師
2010-06-04 5:05 pm


2010-06-04 6:08 am
I could not even agree with your solution you are!! Will agree with you is my good!!
參考: 我
2010-06-04 5:59 am
原句語法有錯 . I can't more agree with you! (Note : It is incorrect .)

I couldn't agree more with you! [ 我不能更同意您了]

2010-06-04 23:20:41 補充:
I can't be more agree with you!!
在此句子中, "agree with" 是phrasal verb, 而不是adjective , "can't be more" +"agree with",其語法正確??

2010-06-04 23:28:11 補充:
如其說I can't be more agree with you! 正確, 倒不如說yeungandsam的回答: I can't agree with you more! 更正確.

2010-06-05 17:40:45 補充:
發問者: 敬希注意, " 如其說......" 跟 " 與其說......" 之意有異, 勿誤解!

2010-06-11 15:38:13 補充:
M Ng : The sentence "I can't be more agree with you" is correct. That is not a grammatical sentence because its main verb "agree" is misused as adjective. I do disagree with what you said about its usage . Don't agree with others?

2010-06-11 15:39:04 補充:
Don't agree with others? ------> Don't you agree with others?
2010-06-04 4:34 am
同意你, 同意到極, 沒法再同意多一點點。

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