
2010-05-20 8:53 am
I have forgotten when did i last sleep before 1am...

係咪有d錯文法- -?

回答 (5)

2010-05-20 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
可以用"When did I last sleep before 1am?", 主詞和動詞倒裝

因為嚟句唔係疑問句, 所以when後面既主詞和動詞唔駛倒裝

建議改為: I have forgotten when I last went to sleep before 1AM.

2010-05-21 02:43:46 補充:
When did you last have a cigarette? (Example from Cambridge dictionary)
last本身作副詞用已可解作"上一次", 寫出來的句字比較簡潔

2010-05-21 03:12:34 補充:
Definition from Cambridge dictionary

forget -- verb ( NOT REMEMBER )
[I or T] to be unable to remember a fact or something that happened.

2010-05-27 05:38:49 補充:
Definition from Google dictionary:
to be unable to remember information that you knew in the past

The definition sheds more light on the difference. But I think it is up to the asker to determine whether the info is something you knew before.
參考: , Cambridge dictionary, Cambridge dictionary
2010-05-27 12:02 pm
forget ≠ not remember

Jenkin (004) is right about using "not remember" in the context of the question.

2010-05-28 00:25:32 補充:
On (003) Jenkin's again.
By a certain time, by Friday, by 3 pm, etc. usually refers to a deadline, a promise, or a time critical mission.

Before is more appropriate in this context.
2010-05-21 6:14 am
I have forgotten when did I (finally) sleep before 1am...
(I think this sentence is a little bit better.)
2010-05-20 11:57 pm

I don't remember when did I go to bed by 1AM last.


英語人在這情況下不會用forget,因為forget是指忘記了一做一件事才用的。記憶裏面的東西他們只會用remember和don't remember.[試看多一些英語劇或小說留意不要用中文去讀才會讀出分別來。]

sleep是一種狀態,一般講去睡覺這個動作在小六以上應該識用go to bed而不是sleep。

before 1AM不能說錯,但before英語人通常會在對比兩件事的前後發生時才會用,這裏是講在凌晨一點前的任何時間,那麼一般用by X o'clock已經代表所有在x之前時間。將來你寫公文或信亦是一樣,不要寫Please reply before this Friday,如果對方是英語人便會知你這些是港式英語,中文人則看不見問題,但仍是錯的英文,應該寫:Please reply by the Friday.才是正確英文。

I don't remember when was the last time I go to bed by 1AM.
由於省略(the...time),因為當然是在說「上一次」那次,所以好像中文可以省略「一」,但又要合文法,所以remember之後要跟個object(I)組成受語,於是把last改為放在最後成為go to bed by 1AM的adv. 如果你未及中五水平我建議你學這句先。
2010-05-20 6:52 pm



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