《評論》請幫幫忙去改一改這個寫作的錯處 (10分)

2010-05-20 11:43 am
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100513000051KK01545

1. 「There are」後面再跟「do」已經令句句子有兩個verb,應為「There are many people who do not ...」 2. 「our digestive systems」個system洗唔洗加「s」值得商榷,器官當然係屬於自己,但系統就純粹係一種生物學概念,而概念就只得一個 3. 「eat that many xxx」個「that」這種用法通常只會用於oral english,語氣類似「食咁鬼多xxx」個「鬼」字 4. 「Candy」同「Sweet」都差唔多common的,前者係美國佬用,後者係英國佬用 4. 就咁「we will become overweighted/over-weighted」就是了,可以直接形容人

回答 (2)

2010-05-31 6:30 pm
I Agree with Garlic2010.

Also, I would like to point out a spelling error on my assessment comments. "despite" was typed as "dispite".
2010-05-22 1:14 pm
We will become overweight.

over-weighted = over-valued

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