
2010-05-19 5:39 pm
香港所有地鐵站內之電梯傍貼有一中英對照標語, 要求讓位給有需要人仕,英文是這樣寫的:

Thankyou for giving priority to those in need who have to use the lift



回答 (8)

2010-05-26 11:01 am
✔ 最佳答案

如005 Jonny所講 who have to use the lift = relative clause=關係子句, 用來修飾 "those in need"

不過意思就不等如 「 感謝你讓有困難人仕優先使用此升降機 」
意思是 「 感謝你讓要用升降機的有困難人仕優先使用(升降機) 」

to use the lift 不應放在 relative clause,在等升降機的人不是要用升降機還想做甚麼呢﹖用「 要用升降機 」來修飾「 要用升降機的人 」實在多餘。


Thank you for giving priority to those in need.


003 Jenkin 的兩句建議寫法都很清楚直接,但有些文法錯誤:
Thank you for giving priority to use the lift by those in need.
by those 應為 to those,

Thank you for letting those in need to use the lift first.
let 後用 bare infinitive (without to)


寫到這裏忽然明白寫這英文告示的人是怎樣想的,用 relative clause "who have to use the lift" 其實是想話 「 無其他選擇、非用升降機不可 」來修飾有困難人仕,而非指一般「 要用升降機的人 」。

這樣的話,"in need" 同 "who have to use the lift" 意思完全相同,也是累贅多餘。

Please let people with greater needs use the lift first.
Thank you for letting people with greater needs use the lift first.
Thank you for giving priority to people with greater needs.

這幾句中 people 較 those 有禮貌。 請記著簡單就是好。

2010-05-26 03:13:09 補充:
原句中並沒有說明 priority to what,but that is understood.

2010-05-26 07:36:24 補充:
Thank you eicachan ( 知識長 ). Concise and precise.
2010-05-26 2:50 pm
Thank you for giving priority to those in need of using the lift.
Please give priority to those in need of using the lift.
2010-05-20 5:08 am
When you raise this question, I know you are keen on grammar. To better improve your English grammar, I sincerely hope that you can get a few good dictionaries as i do. Silent teachers surely will help you.

The sentence is absolutely a grammatically correct one.
It is concise, to the point and right!!!
those in need = people in need 有困難者
who have to use the lift = relative clause =關係子句, 用來修飾 "those in need"
= 感謝你讓有困難人仕優先使用此升降機
2010-05-20 1:10 am

「those in need」係重點,所以不能不提,健步如飛的懶人都是「those who need to use the lift」的

如003所說「who」是修飾「those in need」
2010-05-19 11:27 pm


不正確 , Thankyou 與who 一起有矛盾
校正: ( 1 ) 或者 (2)
(1) Thank you for giving priority to those (persons / in need) who have to use the lift
(2) Thankyou for giving priority to those (persons / in need)have to use the lift

who (用作限定關係代名詞) , 前面需要動詞(Thank) 但Thankyou 是名詞

in need : [phrase] 在困境中的人。
2010-05-19 11:26 pm
文法上不能說錯,但有點累贅,並且如上幾位提到,其實those in need變成了個term特別表示一類人,who(這類人)。所以寫法上可以或最好加上標點:

Thankyou for giving priority to those in need, who have to use the lift.


Thank you for givng priority to use the lift by those in need.

Thank you for letting those in need to use the lift first.

2010-05-19 9:26 pm
should be :

Thank you for giving priority to those who need to use the lift

Original : Thankyou for giving priority to those in need who have to use the lift
Here , 'need' is followed by 'who' , therefore making the meaning very confusing .
Although 'who' is used to refer to 'people in need' , it is necessary to change the statement in order to avoid confusion .
參考: myself
2010-05-19 7:48 pm
This sentence is right. But,in general, "those" should be followed by "who..".
It is a fixed pattern to describe a group of people.

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