
2010-05-15 9:31 pm


回答 (7)

2010-05-15 10:16 pm
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A hand-in-hand couple,being a man and a woman, are
walking in the street .

A hand-in-hand couple who are a man and a woman are walking in the street.

2010-05-15 15:45:54 補充:
Correction : --------- are walking in the street -------> are hanging around in the street.

2010-05-15 23:29:15 補充:
豈能望文生義, 而不思考其深層次意思. "a couple" 除了指夫婦或情侶, 也可指兩個人或兩個關係密切者. 現今社會上, 有異性情侶,也有同性情侶,豈可說該句有重複字眼.至於shopping 一字含有" 行街"之意, 也許是個人的獨特解釋.

2010-05-15 23:52:10 補充:
發問者的原中文句子, 其主要動詞(main verb) 是"行街", 而非"手拖手".
2010-05-16 1:19 am
Shou Tuoshou man and a woman on the street to walk along the streets
2010-05-16 12:48 am
1. A couple is holding their hands while shopping.

A COUPLE 已經代表了一男一女. 所以唔駛特登去用man and woman, boy and girl呢D字眼了. 行街係外國係SHOPPING既意思~ 除非你只定做例如: 行山, 睇戲...ETC.
2010-05-15 11:48 pm
A couple(情侶)walking on the street with holding hands.
參考: 我
2010-05-15 10:18 pm
A man and a woman holding their hands togeth in the street to shopping.

2010-05-15 14:19:05 補充:
A man and a woman holding their hands together in the street to shopping.
2010-05-15 9:42 pm
A man and a woman in the street to hand the drag-and-hand Street
2010-05-15 9:39 pm
Man and a woman in the street hand in hand to go shopping

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