
2010-05-11 7:09 pm

回答 (4)

2010-05-16 10:55 am
Global warming is getting more and more serious, science and technology for environment protection are essential to save the world.
Science and technology make our living better, improve living quality, however, owing to science and technology, the world is being brought to bay.
Why don't we use the science and technology in a better way to save the world, besides make living better?

(注:bay = 絕路,brought (bring) to bay = 逼上 (推向) 絕路)


**請題主不要移除問題,還有,如果認為我的回答適合 (我自己認為我是譯得最好),請選它作最佳回答,謝謝!**

2010-05-16 03:02:37 補充:
(注:bay = 絕路,brought (bring 的過去) to bay = 逼上絕路 / 推向絕路)
參考: mkhy
2010-05-15 5:43 am
The global warming question is getting more and more serious, must save the world, the environmental protection science and technology is the essential science and technology is must make our life to be improved, enhances the life prime number, but we also because of the science and technology, why unceasingly pushes to the world 絕 the road we not well using the science and technology, when improvement life, rescues our world?
2010-05-13 1:18 am
The global warming question is getting more and more serious, must save the world, the environmental protection science and technology is the essential science and technology is must make our life to be improved, enhances the life prime number, but we also because of the science and technology, why unceasingly pushes to the world 絕 the road we not well using the science and technology, when improvement life, rescues our world?
2010-05-12 1:13 am

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