想請問"溫馨提示"係咪"Gentle Reminder"呢?

2010-05-01 1:47 am

回答 (8)

2010-05-01 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Gentle Reminder 已是最Common 及正確的一個寫法。
參考: Myself
2010-05-05 2:10 am
Gentle Reminder 係岩既
參考: 自己查
2010-05-05 2:06 am
warm and fragrant
2010-05-02 4:37 am
喺度講少少嘢,其實我係真係唔知 "溫馨提示",亦都唔知邊位嘅回答最正確,或者是係咪 "洋涇滨",所以先至喺度發問嘅。
2010-05-01 7:50 pm
005是正宗西人講法, 其化的都是洋涇浜英文
2010-05-01 12:10 pm
I use "Friendly reminder" at work all the time. I think this should be equivalent to 溫馨提示.
2010-05-01 6:29 am
If you translate this phrase directly, it is written as "warm reminder".
2010-05-01 1:54 am
可用 Kindly reminder

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