請問 "平常心" 英文點寫?請指教,唔該晒!

2010-04-28 8:39 am
我講嘅 "平常心" 係好似喱句 "我以平常心面對任何事情" 裡面嘅 "平常心"。請指教,唔該晒!

**如果各位係有心回答嘅話 (唔係畀啲無關嘅網址畀我,我受唔起),我係唔會攞咗個啱我用嘅回答,就移除問題,所以各位可以放心回答 (就算揀唔倒最佳回答,最多都係交付投票),唔該晒!** (除非回答嘅網友都係畀一啲嘅網址,咁就冇辦法啦)

回答 (6)

2010-04-29 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

2010-04-28 21:48:17 補充:
「平常心」 英文

這條題目是很好的功課,真多得樓主發問。叫自已試用「平常心」去翻「平常心」,難以名之,曰 "open-mindedness"交卷。


2010-04-28 21:55:49 補充:
* Open-mindedness is the willingness to search actively for evidence against one’s favored beliefs, plans, or goals, and to weigh such evidence fairly when it is available.

2010-04-28 21:56:09 補充:
* Being open-minded does not imply that one is indecisive, wishy-washy, or incapable of thinking for one’s self. After considering various alternatives, an open-minded person can take a firm stand on a position and act accordingly.

2010-04-28 21:56:27 補充:
# Open-minded, cognitively complex individuals are less swayed by singular events and are more resistant to suggestion and manipulation.
# Open-minded individuals are better able to predict how others will behave and are less prone to projection.

2010-04-28 21:56:56 補充:
* Research suggests that people are more likely to be open-minded when they are not under time pressure. (Our gut reactions aren’t always the most accurate.)

2010-04-28 21:57:04 補充:
* Individuals are more likely to be open-minded when they believe they are making an important decision. (This is when we start making lists of pros and cons, seeking the perspectives of others, etc.)

2010-04-28 22:03:05 補充:
I face any issue with an open mind.
2010-04-29 6:08 am
In my opinion, you can use "common mind" to represent the Chinese word.
The sentence may be like this: "I use common mind to face everythin."
2010-04-28 6:29 pm
with ease
I tackle everything with ease.
2010-04-28 4:08 pm


2010-04-28 3:47 pm
" An easy mind with normal feeling "

2010-04-28 08:01:20 補充:
To face anything with an easy mind with normal feeling. 懷著''平常心''去面對一切.
2010-04-28 2:28 pm
with a calm mind
with a zenful state of mind
with my true state of mind
e.g. I just face the problems lying before me with a calm mind.

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