what's the meaning of take up?

2010-04-22 6:03 am

please give me some e.g. too! ><

回答 (5)

2010-04-22 9:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
what's the meaning of take up?

take up

1. To raise; lift. [拿起] e.g. Please help me to take up this heavy box.

2. To reduce in size; shorten or tighten [縮小]: e.g. I took up the gown because it was too long.

3. To pay off [償清欠款] (an outstanding debt, mortgage, or note). e.g. We will have more money to spend after we take up our mortgage.

4. To accept [領受] (an option, bet, or challenge) as offered.e.g.I took up my company options as offered.

5. To begin again; resume [重新開始,繼續]: e.g. Let's take up where we left off.

6. To use up, consume, or occupy [佔時間/空間]: e.g. The extra duties took up most of my time.
7. To develop an interest in or devotion to []: e.g. I want to take up mountain climbing as my hobby.

8. To deal with [處理]: e.g. Let's take up each problem one at a time.

9. To assume [呈現/裝出]: e.g. The Soviets would have to be stripped of allies; China in particular would have to be compelled to assume a friendly attitude.

10. To absorb [吸收]: e.g. crops are taking up nutrients.

11. To enter into [加入] (a profession or business): e.g.I took up engineering as my career.
12. take up[+ for] : 支持;站在...一邊
She has almost nobody to take up for her.

13. take up[+ with] : 開始與...交往
The girl is taking up with the Smith boys.

14. take up [+the gauntlet] : 應戰
Shall we take up the gauntlet?
2010-04-22 9:14 pm
Meaning of “Take up”

1. To raise; lift. 【例】Take up your pen and write. 拿起筆書寫。
2. To reduce in size; shorten or tighten. 【例】Take up a gown.將長服改短。
3. To pay off (an outstanding debt, mortgage, or note). 【例】Took up a mortgage. 償還房屋貸款。
4. To accept (an option, bet, or challenge) as offered. 【例】Take up a challenge. 接受一項挑戰。
5. To begin again; resume. 【例】Let's take up where we left off.在那裡停止,就由那裡再繼續。
6. To use up, consume, or occupy. 【例】The extra duties took up most of my time.額外的工作佔據了我不少時間。
7. To develop an interest in or devotion to. 【例】Take up mountain climbing. 以攀山運動作消遣娛樂。
8. To deal with. 【例】Take up each problem one at a time.於同一個時間專著於一個問題。
9. To assume.【例】Took up a friendly attitude.假裝友善。
10. To absorb or adsorb.【例】Crops taking up nutrients. 農作物吸收了營養。
11. To enter into (a profession or business). 【例】Took up engineering. 從事工程業。
參考: hkslot
2010-04-22 8:59 pm
The meanings of "take up" :

1. to start doing something, either with other people or after someone or something else has stopped 開始從事,把 . . . 繼續下去
e.g. : He suffered from flu and on leave, can anyone take up his work?

2. to do something that is interested, either hobby or career 從事有興趣的嗜好或職業
e.g. : Please take up some hobbies, you're too boring.

3. to fill space or time 占去地方或時間
e.g. : The meeting was taken up too much time, that let's haven't enough time to finish our work today.


2010-04-22 15:20:20 補充:
再畀多個 "take up" 嘅 meaning:
4. to ask for (something) to receive more attention 向 . . . 提出 . . .,向 . . . 提醒 . . .
e.g. : Did Helen ever take up her wants with her company?
It's necessary to take up the working efficiency on Martin.

2010-04-22 15:21:17 補充:
參考: mkhy
2010-04-22 7:09 am
Peter will take up my job when I am on leave.
2010-04-22 6:44 am

Please look it up from the above website. You may have all you need in 中文or English version. Hope you don't have any difficulty in learning English in the future.

Good Luck and Regards

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