
2010-04-20 8:57 am

回答 (5)

2010-04-20 12:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Beware of Fire Hazards

"Beware of" = "小心" 或 "慎防" 嘅意思
"Fire" = "火" 嘅意思
"Hazards" = "危險" 或 "危險源頭" 嘅意思 (複數)
"Beware of Fire Hazards" 夾埋嘅意思就 = "慎防火種" (種 = 危險源頭)


2010-04-20 04:20:32 補充:
仲可以寫成 "Caution Fire Hazards" 或者 "Be Cautious of Fire Hazards"

2010-04-20 11:13:08 補充:
"Caution" 同埋 "Be Cautious" 都係有 "小心" 或 "慎防" 嘅意思
參考: mkhy
2010-04-30 4:29 am
Mind the fire hazards.
Be mindful of fire hazards.
參考: nil
2010-04-20 6:02 pm


Prevent the sources of ignition.

Be cautious of flammable materials

Be cautious of fire hazardous materials
參考: myself
2010-04-20 11:44 am
Be cautious of the tinder.
2010-04-20 9:05 am
Fire Prevention

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