
2010-04-20 12:36 am
The brother of Manchester United striker Mame Biram Diouf was allegedly assaulted outside Eastlands after the dramatic injury-time win over Manchester City on Saturday.

Abdul Biram Diouf was reportedly set upon by a group of City fans as he was leaving the stadium following Paul Scholes' late winner.

The United forward's agent, Jim Solbakken, told the Daily Mail: "There was an incident after the match. He was attacked from behind by some Manchester City supporters as he was walking away from the ground.

"Fortunately there was no need for medical treatment and he got away without any serious injuries.''

補充少少 (喱段唔使翻譯,唔該晒!),如果各位係有心回答喱發問嘅話,我係會揀最好嘅回答做最佳回答嘅,最多係要 "交付投票" 嘅遮,唔該晒!(希望唔好畀啲無關嘅網址畀我自己去搵,我受唔起!



回答 (4)

2010-04-20 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
曼聯前鋒迪奧夫的兄弟阿卜杜.迪奧夫報稱在周六一場曼聯對曼城的賽事後, 在曼城主場東地球場外被襲. 該場賽事中, 曼聯戲劇性地在補時階段進球致勝

據稱, 在曼聯勝利後, 阿卜杜與以史高斯為首的曼聯隊員離開球場時被曼城球迷伏擊

迪奧夫的經理人索爾巴金向每日郵報透露: "事件在賽後發生, 阿卜杜離開球場時被曼城球迷從後襲擊."

"幸而他的傷勢無礙, 也不需治理."
2010-04-20 2:28 am

The brother of Manchester United striker Mame Biram Diouf was allegedly assaulted outside Eastlands after the dramatic injury-time win over Manchester City on Saturday.

Abdul Biram Diouf was reportedly set upon by a group of City fans as he was leaving the stadium following Paul Scholes' late winner.

The United forward's agent, Jim Solbakken, told the Daily Mail: "There was an incident after the match. He was attacked from behind by some Manchester City supporters as he was walking away from the ground.

"Fortunately there was no need for medical treatment and he got away without any serious injuries.''
答案:曼彻斯特联队罷工者Mame Biram Diouf的在星期六,兄弟是涉嫌被攻擊的外部Eastlands在曼徹斯特市的劇烈的傷害時間勝利以後。
當他離開體育場以下所说保羅Scholes的已故的優勝者,阿卜杜勒Biram Diouf由一個小組城市風扇據報道設置。
團結的向前代理,吉姆Solbakken,告诉每日郵件: " 有事件在比賽以後。 當他輕易地勝過地面,他從后面被攻擊了由一些曼徹斯特市支持者。
" 幸运地沒有對药物治疗的需要,並且他離開了,不用任何严重的傷害。"
I hope I can help you! :-) XD
參考: me
2010-04-20 12:55 am
有消息指,在星期六曼聯戲劇性地補時階段絕殺曼城後,曼聯前鋒Mame Biram Diouf的兄弟,在Eastlands外被人襲擊。

據說Abdul Biram Diouf隨Paul Scholes等人離開球場時,遭到一群曼城球迷攻擊。

曼聯的前線發言人Jim Solbakken告訴Daily Mail:「在比賽後發生了一件事。在他(Abdul Biram Diouf)離開場地時,他被身後的曼城支持者襲擊。」


唔exactly肯定冇譯錯, 不過係咁上下架啦
2010-04-20 12:40 am




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