”take out” 及 ”pull out” 點解呢?

2010-04-06 5:20 am
噚日睇倒啲英文體育新聞,睇倒 "take out" 及 "pull out" 喱啲英文,真係唔知點解,想請問邊位知道嘅入嚟話我知,最好畀埋例句啦。真係唔該晒!

回答 (2)

2010-04-06 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hope I can help you !

1. Take out (v. ph.) --- 除掉 , 對付

Meaning : to kill , destroy , against the opponent or match

example : The leader wants to take out the match player individually .

2. Pull out (v. ph.) --- 撤退 , 退出

Meaning : to leave suddenly and halfway or no longer take part on ...

Example : The team player pulled out the competition halfway .
參考: By myself
2010-04-06 6:23 pm
take out
1. 取出
2. 扣除;除去
3. 帶...出去

pull out
1. 拔出
參考: yahoo dictionary

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