2010-04-04 3:55 am
The lower course of Cang Jiang flows through a low-lying flat land.the decrease in
gradient from the middle to the lower courses of chang jiang favours the deposition od sediments in the river bed in the lower course of the river.

請問 low course 係咩?查字典都唔知咩
最後一點,唔好用電腦翻譯= =''

回答 (2)

2010-04-04 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
題主,"The lower course of Cang Jiang flows through a low-lying flat land. The decrease in gradient from the middle to the lower courses of chang jiang favours the deposition of sediments in the river bed in the lower course of the river. "
可以翻譯成:「蒼江(Cang Jiang)的下游流經一個低窪的平地。而蒼江(Cang Jiang)由中游至下游的坡度下降,是會對河床裡的沉積物在蒼江(Cang Jiang)下游沉積有利。 」
(註:點解要喺「蒼江」後面加 "(Cang Jiang)",係因為我搵唔倒 "Cang Jiang" 喱條江,所以先至咁寫 )

另外,"lower course " 係 「下游 」嘅意思。譬如「長江的下游 」,英文可以寫成 "the lower course of Chang Jiang "。



2010-04-03 21:11:14 補充:
想問問題主,其實 "Cang Jiang" 係咪應該係 "Chang Jiang" (即係「長江」) 呀?
參考: mkhy
2010-04-04 4:49 am
lower course = 下游
middle course =中游
The lower course of Chang Jiang =長江下游
flows through=流入
low-lying flat land=低洼地區的房地
the river bed =河床

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